
I have just discovered that I have the same Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, and Pluto as @kimkar

I have just discovered that I have the same Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, and Pluto as @kimkardashian. Bonus points: My Rising is Aries and hers is Sag. (both FIRE)

I am about to attempt to deep dive into her show and see what’s up. There is obvious major curiosity.

I realize she is very polarizing. If you hate her - I ask that you don’t judge me on our incredibly similar astrological charts. I mean, whatever, right? If you adore her - I ask that you adore me because of our incredibly similar astrological charts! I mean, what are the chances!? lol

#gonnawatchtheshownow #wishmeluck #shemustreallybeamazing #Imeancomeon #whatifsheisnt #kindscared #‍♀️ #lol #kimkardashian #astrology

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