#good dog book launch


Check out my post-event blog entry ft. an interview with Good Dog’s author, Ms. Mabek Kawsek, as she dives into the dangers of being a Chinese-Filipino citizen in PH - a huge inspiration that birthed to this boo, a supernatural crime fiction!

A friend of mine forwarded the book launch invite to me, thinking that I would be a better fit to join the event. I emailed Ms. Paula of Anvil Publishing and was given an invite to join! I was pretty pumped because when I searched for details for my pre-event blog post, Good Dog’s blurb seemed really promising!


“Every happy family has a terrible secret.

Agnes Tan-Lim has…

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Woop woop! This Aug. 10, I’ll be joining the Good Dog Book Launch organized by @anvilpublishing and @nbsalert! Check out my pre-event blog post.

Photo from Good Dog’s Facebook event page

If you’ve been following my blog or my social media accounts, you probably know by now that I’m also into books in the thriller, suspense, and crime genres. I was blessed enough to have a friend (he was initially invited to join but thought that I’d be a better fit since I’m a book blogger) who urged me to join the Good Dog book launch organized by Anv…

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