#good grief this ship has me in a chokehold





“MA! Shut the fuck up! That’s my future wife!”

I imagine that with Chris being the most favored child, any romantic partners he ever had—if they weren’t considered by his parents to be unworthy of the Golden Boy—were welcomed with open arms; meanwhile, anyone outside the family Travis tried to have a meaningful relationship with was shunned or criticized, forcing Travis to choose between a “stranger” or his family…and though it hurt, and maybe he tried to rebel once or twice, he ultimately always chose his family every time.   

Enter Laura, the girl who not only brought more stress onto his shoulders by not listening to him the first night they met, but also killed his beloved niece and can potentially kill off other members of his family…but so long as she doesn’t try to kill him he will not harm her, and he stands up for her against his parents and will still want her help ending the curse even if she kills them.

She has his heart.   

And Ma Hackett has a strong personality. I bet she ran off every girl he ever brought home because who wants her to be your in-law?
