#good job increasing the power bills yo



Hey, yo, long time, no speak

I’ve been doing a lot of cleaning and other rl stuff lately. I managed to get things a lot less messy, decorated a bit, bought a cactus.. I also hate bleach now. Screw bleach, I better not have to bleach my windowsills again.

Anyways, Storm Eunice is gonna be hitting the Netherlands in like an hour, so that’s gonna be fun. I’m not in the “danger zone” with the really nasty winds reaching 130> km/h (basically, hurricane winds in some select parts of the red provinces, probably around the islands), but chances are we’ll get winds of up to 114 km/h here in an orange part, so that’s still pretty heavy.

I brought my bicycle inside already just in case.

In terms of sims stuff, well, we’ve been working on some pretty sweet stuff over at the Sun&Moon Star Factory, but there’s still a lot of testing to do and improvements to make.

Well, it quieted down enough that I’m willing to turn my pc on. My roommates’ bicycles blew over as did the misc trash bin (once). I’m rather glad I put my bicycle inside. When the winds were like really bad, I could hear the glass on my shelves shaking from the wind (my window wasn’t even open). Pretty heavy stuff.

The most annoying though is that I just discovered that Roommate H (the clown, the one who tends to complain a lot about “messes”, attitude issues) has left her window open or something. There’s cold air coming into the kitchen from her door. I swear…

Anyways, I stuck some mops in the door gap, so that should keep the worst out.
