#good luck with your skincare


All the different types of ‘good’ skin (Korean ver. )

Sometimes I wonder how South Korean women even live, with the pressure of society forcing them to look their best every single day. Flawless white skin, double eyelids, sharp jawline. Korean beauty standards are some of the highest and most unrealistic in the world.

Here are the four types of skin Korean people aim to get (mostly through witchcraft):

Glass skin

The difficulty of achieving this type of skin: compared with the rest, not really

Unlike the rest of the looks below, glass skin only asks you to get a dewy, luminous look- just like a porcelain doll. It’s literally my personal goal when I get down with my ten-step Korean skincare routine. And you have to get that look without makeup.

My advice would be to use more hydrating products. Toners like the Dear Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner or the NAKEUP FACE Stress Zero Toner are good picks if you want poreless skin.

Basically, just go through all the steps of a Korean routine and you’re good to go.

Cloudless skin

The difficulty of achieving this type of skin: since it’s pretty much asking you to have the skin of a young child, I’d say very difficult

So cloudless skin has to be blemish-free and perfect. You need an aura- ie. a youthful glow- easily achievable through plenty of rest, eating healthy food, and keeping your face moisturized. (Use IU as a point of reference.)

Honestly, I’m too tired and world-weary to even bother trying this. You need to be healthy to get this look. I like junk food way too much.

However, if you would like to get cloudless skin, you cannot have dull skin. I would recommend the MISSHA Time Revolution Clear Toner and the CORSX Advanced Snail Mucin 96 Power Essence. Also, try to put on a sheet mask more than three times a week.

Honey skin

The difficulty of achieving this type of skin: on a scale of 1-10, I’d say an 11, as it’s the step you take after you get healthy skin

To start with, you have to consider your skin type. Can your skin take the amount of moisture needed to plump up and achieve a translucent glow?

It’s more well-known than ‘glass skin’, at least in South Korea. Not going to lie, the faces of people who have honey skin are very shiny. I suppose it’s to mimic actual honey?

Well if you want to get this, good luck. I would recommend LeeGeeHaam’s Grow Vita Propolis Ampoule (even though it’s kind of pricey for 15 mL of liquid), maybe an aloe vera toner like the one from Benton, and to get rid of blackheads for that desired even skin, Neogen Dermalogy Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling Pads

Baby skin

The difficulty of achieving this type of skin: maybe if you were born again and learnt to treasure your skin you might have the slightest chance of maintaining baby-smooth skin

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a person who already has good skin, would want the perfect skin of a baby. This isn’t a trend that has caught on internationally because I guess it’s not as marketable.

Anyway, if you want to get this type of skin, I would recommend using only one night cream. As for cleansers, I’ve heard good things about the Peach & Lily Power Calm Hydrating Gel Cleanser. Don’t touch your face as much.


Honestly, you can probably get these ~very similar~ looks with makeup, but it would be nice for your natural, bare skin to look pure and lovely. You don’t precisely have to get these looks, just try your best to care for your skin.
