#good nurses



I’ve been to the hospital many times, and I’ve had bad nurses and doctors and good nurses and doctors. My recent overnight stint had pretty decent doctors and nurses. As patients we will certainly remember the more unpleasant experiences and be rightly angry about them.

However it’s important to remember that not all nurses are the bully from school. Many are genuinely nice and caring people, like my aunt who was a maternity ward nurse for many years. Many of these people are put under pressure of a for-profit medical system that forces more patients on less nurses. We should be outraged at genuinely cruel medical professionals, but if we want to be acknowledged as human too, we should do the same for them and advocate for better working conditions for nurses.

Yeah they’re supposed to be professional and not be rude but is anyone truly perfect at the end of a double shift with double the work? And some nurses are disabled too. I’m not against venting against terrible nurses but when we act like the problem is just the wrong people going into nursing we ignore a large problem about the state of nursing jobs and overworked underpaid caregivers that ultimately hurts and potentially kills us. I personally don’t want to do that.

I had some GREAT nurses when I was in for my colonoscopy. After, in recovery, my nurse went so far as to spend 10 minutes using alcohol wipes to gently remove my IV bandage, because I told her it rips my skin because of my fragile EDS skin. Did she have to do that? No. Did she have other stuff to do? Yes. Did I really appreciate it? SO MUCH YES
