#good on them



Okay, so I watched Castlevania at long last, and I have thoughts™

Firstly, this thing was based off of a VIDEO GAME, YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO GO THAT HARD, MY H E A R T you MONSTERS

Secondly, I would die for Sypha Belnades.

The barely-coherent above doodles are my attempts at redesigning Sypha, starting with features, then clothing style, and then finally the actual clothing worn throughout the series. I loved her canon design, but the Speakers were pretty explicitly based off of Romani peoples, what with the nomadic lifestyle and the being blamed for everything that ever goes wrong and all, so I wanted to do a design of Sypha that was more in line with how Romani people look. I actually had a lot of fun!!

But Artsy, don’t you have an unfinished Star Wars series you haven’t updated in like, fore sshhhhhhh sexy vampires

Alright I forgot to say this yesterday but

Do you know. The absolute whiplash I got when Trevor Belmont showed up on screen and my dumbass went:

Is that…Is that Thorin Oakenshield???

The answer was yes. Trevor Belmont, one of the main characters of Castlevania, is voiced by Richard Armitage.


Dracula, our deeply sympathetic big bad of the first two seasons, is voiced by Graham McTavish. DWALIN.

So, any Hobbit/LoTR fans out there! Want to feel like you’ve been transported to a different universe where everything has been moved two inches to the left? Watch Castlevania!! It will unnerve you like nothing else!
