#good sluts take it all

twosharpbladez: I told you you’d learn to deepthroat one way or another. The easy way or the hard wa


I told you you’d learn to deepthroat one way or another.

The easy way or the hard way.

As you struggled with the easy way, we end up here.

Enjoy cunt. I’ll be back around sun down.

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Except Maps I Dont Fuck With Kiddy Kinks M-- R-XY N-W

I love a good throat fucking. Last night I had a nice big cock and while he say laying back on the couch bed upright. I slowly forced my mouth and throat down on his entire cock. 



Their best friends brother. Click for more

My sisters liked to compete over who was better at sucking my cock.

Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes

Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes

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