#goodbye lucifer series


You have helped me learn to put others first. You helped me repair relationships that had been broken for, well, millennia. You’ve helped me truly connect with the love of my life. Dr. Linda Martin, “P-h-y” and all those things. In our time together, you managed to do something not even God Almighty was able to accomplish. You’ve made me a better man. Thank you, Lucifer. That’s the best compliment a therapist could receive.

I don’t want you to worry about me anymore. You’ve come so far. What does that mean? It means that you have been beholden to me and my needs for far too long, and I’m sorry that I’ve always made it about me. Okay? Lucifer, this life, this family I found, I wouldn’t have any of it if it weren’t for you. Consider us even. After everything you’ve done for me? We’ll never be even.
