


I swear it was unintentional.

My roommate and I had recently fallen out after I brought a dog home. Me and him had never really gotten along, and I just felt a bit lonely. But when he saw the dog, he went ballistic. Started yelling about how loud and messy it was going to be, how it was going to pee on the floor and everything. I assured him I would housetrain it but he wouldn’t listen.

So later that day I looked up online how to quickly train a dog. I found a website that had hypnosis files for getting your dog to behave fast, go outside to pee, be fine wearing a collar, all that. I decided to give it a try. I put on my noise cancelling headphones and played the files through my speakers while my dog lay on the floor.

After the hours had passed, I took off my headphones and went over to my dog. I asked it to sit, and it did! But that was when I heard another thump outside my room. I slowly walked over and opened my door to see my roommate sat, cross legged outside of my door, staring dumbly up at me.

Oh no. He must have heard all of it. I told him to roll over, and just like that, my roommate lay on his back, and rolled over to the side. Then he sat back up and looked at me, tongue hanging out of his mouth.

I’ve turned my roommate into a dog. I tried getting the training out of him, but nothing worked. He was acting just like a trained dog. He only spoke when I told him too, and it was always how much he loved his master, me. When I got the collar that I bought for my dog out, he excitedly ran over and presented his neck.

At some point, I’ll have to fix this, but I must admit… for now, it’s nice having two dogs.

blankite9: The spirals are so alluring. You tell yourself you’ll just take a quick look at them. But


The spirals are so alluring. You tell yourself you’ll just take a quick look at them. But there’s no such thing as a quick look; you’re stuck in now. You can’t look away, and you’re only falling deeper.

Soon, your conscious mind has fallen to the spirals entirely. You stand there, mindless, head tilted dumbly, as the people now in charge of your head get to work. You don’t stop them fastening the collar around your neck, because you can’t think at all. Your body isn’t yours anymore.

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Drew had always been an absolute animal on the football pitch. The opposition teams absolutely hated to play him. The big final was coming up and the opposing team hatched a plan to get him out of the game.

Drew was heading home from training the week before the final, when he was approached by three men, who bundled him into the back of a van, before driving off at speed.

Drew was blindfolded by the men and dragged from the van into a building before being tied up and having the blindfolded removed. He recognised the men as players from the final opponents.

There was a big projector screen in front of him and headphones on the table. The headphones were placed over Drew’s ears and the projector was turned on. A spiral appeared on the screen and a voice began speaking on the headphones.

The men left the room and returned an hour later. They could see that Drew was completely broken. They were eager to see if the hypnosis had worked. So they untied Drew and to their amusement, he began stripping down to his jockstrap.

Once he heard the words “Doggie Drew”, Drew dropped to the ground and became a dog. The men began recording and opened the door of the building.

Drew began roaming the streets as a dog. Many of the locals recognised him and were astounded to see him rummaging through bins and relieving himself off lampposts and bins.

Drew was eventually picked up by the dog warden and taken to the pound. He was collected by his teammates who were totally despondent at his state.

Drew still got to go to the final, getting to be in the team photo, as team mascot.


Who’s a Good Boy?

Danny confidently strode down the sidewalk, his ginger dog pulling him along. The confident gym buff was lost in thought, planning out his day and how he was going to meet his buds that evening. He didn’t even notice the hulking man stomping behind him. Danny bent down and rubbed his dog’s slender face. The large man approaches Danny and his dog, his shadow enveloping the pair.

“Such a pretty little dog, aren’t you?” the older man cooed. His large hairy muscles pressing firmly against his dress shirt. Tufts of thick hair covered the man’s meaty forearms and chest. Danny looked up at the 40 something year old man. The man stared right back at him.

Danny stood back up, his eyes now fixated on the stranger. Even standing straight, Danny only reached the man’s collar bones. The man must have been at least 6’3. His broad shoulders and muscles were layered with a thick fatness. This only further intimidated the young 24-year-old.

“You can pet him if you want?” Danny shrugged. “He’s a young one. Loves attention. Especially behind his ear.”

“Mind if I-” The silver fox asked as he leaned in.

“Sure.” Danny agreed, his eyes travelled towards his dog, waiting for the man to bend down. But the man didn’t…

Danny felt an odd sensation emit from his head. He furrowed his brow as he realised what was happening. Still staring at the dog, Danny felt the old man’s hand run through his own hair in a soft repetitive motion. Danny looked at the man in confusion as the man continued to pet Danny’s head.

Danny, still taken aback by the whole situation, sighed in disgust. “What the hell are you doing? I meant the dog. Obviously, not me. The dog.”

“I am petting the dog, boy.” The man smiles softly, still rubbing Danny’s thick luscious hair. “And what a good boy he is…”

“Get off me-” Danny grabbed the man’s arm before the man’s hand slipped down behind his ear. He began scratching intensely. The scratching caught Danny by surprise. Danny’s entire train of thought was destroyed by the man’s fingers running behind his ear. His eyes rolling into the back of his head. Pleasure shot throughout his body, all emanating from the man’s thick fat finger scratches.

“That’s a good boy.” The bald man grinned deviously through his thick beard.

GOOD. BOY. The words repeated softly in Danny’s head, disrupting every part of his mind, not allowing him to form a single original thought. His mind completely focused on the head scratching and the older man’s captivating praise. ‘Good boy…’

“Ohhhhh fuckkkkkkkk” Danny moaned leaning into the man’s head scratching.

“You’re such a good boy for your owner, aren’t you? Such a good boy.”

GOOD. BOY. OWNER. The words rang more intensely in Danny’s pleasure filled head. He felt his knees begin to buckle as pleasure shot through his groin, causing his cock to stand at full attention. Danny felt at peace as his owner continued scratching behind his ear, just like Danny always liked it.

Danny jumped backwards with a sudden jolt of energy. His rational brain kicking back into action. Why did he say owner? This man… this man wasn’t his owner.No one owned Danny… or at least he thought. But he was beginning to question whether that was true. What was the man doing to his brain? Danny still felt the remnants of hot warm pleasure flowing through his body.

As Danny spiralled into confusion, he felt a cold thick fabric make contact with his neck. The fabric wrapped around his entire neck and was solidified with a loud CLICK. Danny looked down to see a collar on his neck. A thick leather collar with a round metal plate hanging off the front. The plate read “REX”, followed by the contact information of a phone number that Danny had never seen before. Even more shocking, while Danny was looking at his new label, he realised he was completely naked. Butt naked. On complete display for the man to ogle at and sexualise.

“C’mere boy.” The fat muscle man motioned Danny over before noticing the 24-year-old gym buff was gaining too much self-awareness. He could see Danny looked panicked.

“Who’s a good boy?” The man condescendingly cooed at Danny. “You are. You’re a good boy!”

Another wave of pleasure washed over Danny, his eyes rolling back into his head. The hot sensation flooded his body, leaving him a sweaty moaning mess. His mind refused to think. Completely blank with the pleasure of his master’s words. He felt so relaxed. So at peace. So at home hearing his master’s affirmations.

Noticing that his magic words were succeeding in mindfucking his subject, the man continued to tease the boy.

“You’re such a fucking good boy. The best boy. I wanna breed your fuckable bouncy ass when we get home. Put a litter of pups in you!” The man enthusiastically laughed.

His owner’s affirmation shot the most intense pleasure through Danny. More intense than any orgasm. Than any drug. It was so addicting. So orgasmic. Danny wanted more. He wanted his owner to compliment him, flirt with him, fuck him… The heat shot through his legs, causing them to buckle even more intensely this time. Danny fell onto all fours, his tongue flopping out of his mouth. The good boy panted as drool dripped off his tongue, his eyes still in the back of his head. His cock grew harder and harder, gathering all his smarts and his sophistication in his balls, ready to be shot out onto the sidewalk. He began absentmindedly swaying his hips side-to-side, completely mindfucked.

“That’s right.” Danny’s owner hunkered down on this thighs and whispered. “Such a good dog.”

Danny, still drooling his brains out, felt a sensation building in his throat… a sound. A sound that was trying to escape his throat and expose his new self to the world. The sound built in his throat more and more. Another one shot up his throat, causing his cheeks to puff up.

“That’s it boy. Let it happen. Let it out. It’s natural. You’re just a dumb dog. Let the world know.” The man whispered sensually, causing Danny’s erect dick to pulse, ready to shoot out his brains onto the ground. Danny found his ass begin to shake violently, side-to-side, wagging his non-existent tail. Fur sprouted on Danny’s hairless chest and face. He moaned more and more intensely for everyone on the street to see. A complete spectacle for passerbys to witness.

He resisted. He couldn’t. Another sound shot up his throat and died in his puffed cheeks.

“C’mon Rex. Be a good dog, let it out!” Danny’s master demanded. He harshly slapped the boy’s fat ass, forcing out the humiliating sounds…


The feeling of letting out his true nature, his canine nature, sent Danny over the edge. With one forceful hump, Danny shot out all his human abilities and smarts onto the ground. His humanity and dignity was now just a puddle of cum on the tarmac. Cum that would be left behind and disintegrated by the sun and washed up by the rain, never to be seen again.

Danny was now “Rex”. The dumb obedient dog, that is ever so eager to please his master. Whether it be getting his ass fucked all day, waiting around in his cage for Master to come home or eating dog food from his dog bowel, Rex does it all. He does it for him… the person he loves the most. The only person that exists in Rex’s world… his owner.

Rex’s owner smiled. “C’mon boy. It’s time to go home…”
