#goosey loosey


Chicken Little (2005) OC Profile: Cougar Wougar

Name: Cougar Wougar

Species: Canid (Wolf and Pitbull among other breeds)

Appearance: Caramel brown fur, pigtails tied with red bands, long snout, red nose, green eyes, pointed ears, bit of puppy fat in her stomach, red T-shirt, red skirt

Personality: Kind, patient, sassy, vivacious, tenacious

Likes: Expressing herself, helping her mother do chores, acting, joking around

Dislikes: Being interrupted, bullies, malicious insults

Love Interest❤️: Foxy Loxy

HC notes:

  • Was born mute due to having no vocal cords. Had a rough time communicating as a result.
  • Her adoptive mother, Puma Luma, renamed her and taught her sign language.
  • Since hardly anyone in Oakey Oaks knows sign language, Cougar Wougar has to write in a notebook and show it to the person she is communicating with.
  • Goosey Loosey knows sign language due to her inability to speak. So even though they got off on the wrong foot, eventually she and Cougar become friends, which doesn’t go unnoticed by a certain vixen.
  • Foxy Loxy found it very easy to insult Cougar any chance she got. Cougar Booger, Mutt, Blobface, Litter Sniffer and Rudolph are among said jabs. But what she didn’t know was Cougar could give biting remarks in sign language, too. This makes Goosey laugh like a howler monkey.
  • Eventually, Cougar finds her place in Oakey Oaks Dance Club where she learns to pull off some mean moves. She also takes part in Drama Club and acts alongside Runt of the Litter and Fish Out of Water.
  • In her teen years, Cougar Wougar begins to develop feelings for Foxy. Was it their rivalry that excited her? Or the way she grinned when she talked? Or the way her soft brown locks bounced whenever she skipped and dove for the baseball? Desperate, she asks Goosey for help, who in turn asks Abby Mallard, who has been dating Chicken Little for four years.
  • Abby has her reservations about Cougar having a crush on Foxy. Sure, Foxy had dated once before–Runt, of all people–and that was after she had had her brains scrambled. After that wore off, she was her normal self again and broke up with him. On top of that, Abby isn’t sure about Foxy being into girls that way. Nonetheless, Cougar wants to try anyway.
  • As per Abby’s instruction, Cougar got to know Foxy’s interests: baseball, flowers and computer games. She invited Foxy to hang out with her, just playing video games at the mall arcade, nothing fancy, to which she agreed. They ended up having a super fun time with the boxing game, motorcycle racing simulator and even Dance Dance Revolution.
  • Throughout the friend date, Cougar hoped Foxy wouldn’t notice that she was into her out of fear that she would run away. Ultimately though, it was her long stares and nerves that gave it away. Foxy was one who could smell fear from a mile away and asked her if she had a crush on her. Cougar just froze and shut her eyes tight, not wanting to give an answer, only to feel a pair of lips meet hers for a moment. When she opened her eyes, she saw Foxy pulling away then touching her nose against hers.
  • Cougar Wougar goes on to do screen acting as an adult. She will also campaign for the rights of the disabled and push for sign language to be taught in schools.