#gosh its been a while




tag game

the rules: write the last line in your latest WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence. make a new post!

“It’s okay now, ‘Tsumu. We’ll talk later, yeah?” you reassure him, sighing deeply before leaning up to brush your lips against his.

thanks for tagging me @omimosa<33

tagging:@augustinewrites@hatsue-exe@rosenkow@momochimo@sexyandcringe & anyone who wants to join!

ahh thank you for the tags bee & @taeyamayang (bee this is actually for that kiss prompt with bokuto that you sent me hehe)

it’s subconscious, the way he leans across the armrest as you slide into the car, welcoming you with a soft, hey, and blushing deeply as you press a quick kiss to his cheek.

tagging (with no pressure except for u ari): @onigiri-mia@writingbymoonlight@kewrai@amjustagirl

thank you for the tag augustine!! apologies for being terribly late (and i hope you’re doing well and ugh your own line killed me help)

You think about the what-ifs and the could-have-beens a little less each passing day, a little less caught up in your dreams and fantasies, but once in a moon, when you wallow in self pity for reaching out to someone who doesn’t dream of you.

tagging (zero pressure guyss): @yurens​ @violetsoju​ @chimielie​ @pazumane​
