#gosh stares at this kinda-prophet sammy face tho

inkdemonapologist:Some, uh, very disparate doodles from recent Cthulhu shenanigans… Leon is an NPC winkdemonapologist:Some, uh, very disparate doodles from recent Cthulhu shenanigans… Leon is an NPC w


Some, uh, very disparate doodles from recent Cthulhu shenanigans… Leon is an NPC we met recently! He’s a doctor and the boyfriend of one of the “muse”-possessed ladies we’re trying to find and seems VERY ANXIOUS; I don’t think he was prepared to be blindsided by two different batim boys with VERY STRONG PERSONALITIES coming out of the woodwork. we didnt mean to bully him i promise,

also recently Sammy had kind of an intense experience with encountering a Literal Muse and Prophet uh, just?????? showed up????????? he didn’t have any ink so his eyes didn’t fully Do The Thing….. tbh he was as confused about this as the rest of the boys

anyway just a small smattering of quotes this round under the jump!

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