


I started drawing digitally at 15 because i wanted to draw this chump all wrapped up in winter clothes just to post on tumblr. After getting a wacom tablet and downloading sai, i descovered i wasnt as good at drawing as my ego dictated lol. Anyway its been 8 years. i still love him a lot :) heres to progress. happy valentines day everyone :)

@gem-tavvy IM FUCKING CACKLING I forgot his pants!!!!!!! why did i misremember him not having fucking pants oh my god



I died knowing you’d hate me for dying, but Nonagesimus, you hating me always meant more than anyone else in this hot and stupid universe loving me.

[ID: Four digital paintings with dramatic lighting, with text on an orange background overlaid.
1. Gideon viewed from behind, her two-hander gleaming as she has it propped on her shoulder. Text reads, “Always your sword, my umbral sovereign.”
2. Gideon and Harrow side by side, surrounded by partially raised skeletons, Gideon’s sword at the ready. Text reads, “In life…”
3. Harrow, one eye gold and one black, blood dripping from her nose, trying to hold the two-hander. Gideon stands behind her, one hand on the handle and one on the blade to help her hold it. Text reads, “in death…”
4. Harrow, both eyes gold behind her shades, grinning as she reaches over her shoulder to grab the bone-encrusted sword. Text reads, “in anything beyond life or death that they’d want to throw at thee and me.” /end ID]



If you’re a minecraft fan and a lord of the rings fan and Don’t know about Minecraft Middle-Earth, one of the longest-running massive build projects that’s been going on for almost 11 whole years working to recreate all of middle earth to scale in minecraft, then you’re really missing out on some of the coolest shit out there. MC originally raised the build height limit for the first time in part because of MCME iirc. They needed the world height raised for the two towers and MC delivered. I’ve been following this project since day one and it never ceases to take my breath away. Have some screenshots! and, yes, this was all built in minecraft.

My •Birdies• 30!!! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Happy •Earth• Day to @Oaklanta

My •Birdies• 30!!!
Happy •Earth• Day to @Oaklanta my Wife, the love of my whole #GotDamn Life!!! You’re seriously such an INCREDIBLE Homie, Lover, Friend, and Partner!!! We know waaaaay to much about each other, and spend waaaaay to much time together but I wouldn’t have it any other way!!! Your Passion, Strength, and Loyalty is unmatched and it’s why I will be •Inappropriate• with you #ForTheRestOfMyLife!!! Cheers to another year of ✨Magic✨!!! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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