#goyim gonna goy








It’s really frustrating seeing Nazis, swastikas and antisemitism being legal in the US and other countries.


I witnessed the hole “the cw is antisemitic for not hiring a Jewish actress as batwoman” like chill… you clearly don’t know what antisemitism is.

Have you even heard of WW2? How terrible the holocaust was? How everyone that was Jewish got hunted down and every family had to hide in attics or cellars? How Hitler portrayed Jews as ballast to the people? How children got indoctrinated by his ideals? How it was legal to put those ideals in children books, radio programs, schools etc.?

This is antisemitism!

I was born and raised in Austria and am still here. I learned about the second world war since I got in primary school. I am in my last year now. We still read protocols, diaries, reports, listen to survivors, watch documentations, discuss pictures, discuss how it came to that situation and even went to an ex - KZ in upper austria to learn more about it.

Now this wasn’t just this year. We did that EVERY year. And not just my generation.

WW2 is a part of our history. One that we’re not proud of. One that is terrifyingandterrible. And this part got silences till the 60s-70s .

Since then children - young children - learn about it and discuss the hate and antisemitism. It’s not just my generation.

The swastika, Nazi salute, active antisemitism etc. is illegal in Austria and Germany and gets censored on media. We don’t even say words like“Hitler”or“Nazi” in public and whisper when we’re doing it. And it’s really sad to see it happen elsewhere.

It’s really sad to see someone accusing a network as antisemitic and Nazis because it didn’t hire a Jewish actress - just because her character is Jewish.

I guess most of the complainers where Jewish themself. Well, you should know better. That was not antisemitic. That was a casting for a role. It’s their job to play someone their not. It’s not like with skin colour, where you can tell when someone’s not black. And when you believe that, than concrats! You’re stereotyping (yourself)!


Now I asked someone who posted a complaint, why the cw was antisemitic. And they said exactly that.

I told them, why I think it’s not antisemitic and was accused of being one. I was told that I should educate myself.

But friends. I am educated. I am. I learning about it since primary school.



Don’t compare everything non-jewish to Nazis. WW2 was terrible. Don’t do that.

You being Austrian gentile doesn’t give you the right to educate Jews on what is or isn’t actually antisemitism what the fuc-

this.. i dont….

I- hm……

hi im a goy and im gonna need you shut this bullshit up chief. if ur not gonna listen to the actual Jewish people about what is anti-semitism and what is not then listen to another goy when they tell u that ur opinion is BULLSHIT and that u need to shut the fuck up. why can’t u listen to the people who have actual experiences with this just because you read a fucking book doesn’t mean u know what oppression is like.

-ur friendly neighborhood Muslim
