

OTMA — quotes.

O ❝ I am a Russian, and I will remain a Russian!

T ❝ Love is Light and it has no end. Love is great suffering. It cannot eat, it cannot sleep. It is mixed with sin in equal parts. And yet it is better to love. In love one can be mistaken, and through suffering he expiates for his mistakes.

M ❝ Why are you not disgusted with yourselves when you use such shameful words? Do you imagine that you can woo a well-born woman with such witticisms and have her be well disposed towards you? Be refined and respectable men and then we can get along.

A ❝ We played on the swing, that was when I roared with laughter, the fall was so wonderful! Indeed! I told the sisters about it so many times yesterday that they got quite fed up, but I could go on telling it masses of times […] What a lovely weather we’ve had! One could simply shout with joy!

  • Edited by me. If you repost give credits.


Strong writing pressure is characteristic of self-confident and energetic people with high efficiency. These people are very sociable and attract attention with their purposefulness and optimism.


A slight tilt to the right is the most common tilt of the handwriting inherent in people who are calm and balanced. They are always open to communication, but also enjoy being alone for some time. They are prone to mood swings.

- O

If the handwriting is vertical, there’s a balance of rationality and emotionality at the same time. People with this kind of handwriting carefully analyze the situation and only then make decisions. The most important character trait is stubbornness.


Owners of large handwriting (more than 3 mm) are open, emotional and easily find a common language with people. By nature, they are leaders and the life and soul of any company. They can convince anyone that they are right.

- TA

Narrow letters - rationality and frugality.


Rounded letters indicate kindness and compassion, as well as the ability to compromise.

- T

Sharp handwriting (when the letters look like a saw) is a sign of selfishness. A person with this type of handwriting strives for independence, does not like when he/she is told how and what to do.


Straight lines are typical for people who are calm and reasonable, balanced.

- O

If the upper part of the letter В or the lower part of the letters Д, З goes too high / low above / below the middle part, then this indicates overestimated ambitions.


These assumptions cannot be considered as a full-fledged characteristic of a person. Real graphological analysis is a scrupulous study.
