#great artstyle

oldschoolfrp: Charging into battle upon a swift and sure-footed strider (PD Breeding Black, A Natura


Charging into battle upon a swift and sure-footed strider (PD Breeding Black, A Naturalist’s Guide to Talislanta, Bard Games, 1987)

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ask-landofhoney:(( I decided to upload this on this account because it has come to my attention that


(( I decided to upload this on this account because it has come to my attention that another Malta OC blog has copied all of my design headcanons for my Malta OC. As you can see from this link to the original dA post, my OC was posted much earlier than the other one, showing that the content of that Malta OC is clearly copied from mine.

Anyway, my Malta OC in all her glory. I’ve worked so hard on her this past year so she really means a lot to me. I also wanna say thank you for 350+ followers! That’s amazing, and I love each and every one of you ; v ; <333 ))

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