

Everything I want will be mine … and I want it all!

More Greed costest stuff bc same tbh

#cosplay #greed #greedfma #fmagreed #fma #fmab #fmabrotherhood #fullmetalalchemist #fullmetalalchemistbrotherhood #fmacosplay #greedcosplay #costest #closetcosplay #tiktok #cosplaytiktok #panicatthedisco #patd #emperorsnewclothes

Every move this man makes is an entire mood so ofc I had to do a quick costest— Came out surprisin

Every move this man makes is an entire mood so ofc I had to do a quick costest

Came out surprisingly well considering I used my real hair lol

#cosplay #greed #greedfma #fmagreed #fma #fmab #fmabrotherhood #fullmetalalchemist #fullmetalalchemistbrotherhood #fmacosplay #greedcosplay #costest #closetcosplay

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Greed the Avaricious— Another pic from that #costest I did a while back, taken by @winterpersephon

Greed the Avaricious

Another pic from that #costest I did a while back, taken by @winterpersephone

#cosplay #greed #greedcosplay #fullmetalalchemist #fullmetalalchemistbrotherhood #fmabrotherhood #fmab #fma #greedfma #fmagreed #fmacosplay #fullmetalalchemistcosplay #fullmetalalchemistbrotherhoodcosplay #fmacosplay #fmabcosplay #closetcosplay

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