#grey parrot

These are real, though, and I luv them.As I said in the tags on my last post, red grey parrots (AfriThese are real, though, and I luv them.As I said in the tags on my last post, red grey parrots (Afri

These are real, though, and I luv them.

As I said in the tags on my last post, red grey parrots (African reds?) are real, but if you google image search them, you’ll find tons of cheap fakes. I mean with black beaks and obvious red digital paint smeared over them, without even paying attention to the lines.
Like you see on these, they have pink beaks, and a strawberry plumage with subtle white lines.

The white grey (I don’t know if they’re albino, but this one clearly has pink eyes), I’ve heard there are only two of in the world. I doubt that’s true, as there are a few different videos and images to see, but still, no common mortal like me could afford one of these in the next 20+ years. (I haven’t heard of a price tag on the reds either, only some $130k for a lutino macaw.)

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I swear, grey parrots have the highest “baby = cute” to “adult = ugly” ratio of all parrots.Pesquet’I swear, grey parrots have the highest “baby = cute” to “adult = ugly” ratio of all parrots.Pesquet’

I swear, grey parrots have the highest “baby = cute” to “adult = ugly” ratio of all parrots.

Pesquet’s parrot is uglier, but their babies are not exactly the most beautiful of God’s creations, either.

Maybe,maybe there are cuter baby parrots than greys (although they make me absolutely melt), but if so, the adults are cuter, too.

I love greys but definitely not because of that face…

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Baby grey parrot trying out sounds. I’m dying of cuteness.

Regarding the documentary on great ape intelligence I reblogged a while back, they said apes never “babble” in sign language (while deaf human children do), and they explained this is related to language, and adds proof that apes can’t learn language.

I wonder if this “babbling” of grey parrots would qualify?
And didn’t SeaWorld say baby killer whales “babble”?

(I’m not saying this means grey parrots and killer whales have language on par with humans, but that they have communication that can be considered far more complex than anything the great apes have.)

#parrots    #grey parrot    #african grey    