#greyhound lingo


GALTx eNews: Do You Know Your Greyhound Lingo?

We thought it would be fun to share some of the Greyhound lingo familiar to many but new to so many others. Some of the most frequent inquiries we get on social media are to clarify what people mean when they use these terms!

Bed Fail: No one has ever made a bed big enough for a greyhound and Invariably, part of the greyhound ends up hanging off on the floor. It’s a “bed fail” because they failed to use the bed as intended.

Bounce: A greyhound is a bounce if he goes to a forever home and comes back for another try at it. Usually, the first home doesn’t work out for no fault of the greyhound and bounces are often said to make the best companions for their second (or third or fourth) adopters.

Chattering: When Greyhounds are excited or sublimely content, some rattle their teeth similar to shivering. Not to worry, they probably aren’t cold at all. Some hounds chatter silently, while others can be quite loud.

Cow Dog: White greyhounds with black spots are often called Cow Dogs because their coloring resembles a dairy cow.

Derp: Greyhound tongues seem to be unconfined by teeth and gums. Derp refers to that silly tongue out look greyhounds often have as demonstrated in the photo by Avery.

ETS: ETS stands for Escaped Tongue Syndrome. ETS is closely related to derp and refers to a long greyhound tongue that has escaped the greyhound mouth to loll about on the floor, bed, or couch.

Greyhound Pattern Baldness: Many Greyhounds have exceptionally thin, or no hair at all, over their bums and bellies. It’s a familiar bald pattern many of us know and love.

GSoD: You know that scream that sounds like a mortal wound but results from something completely trivial like a stray blanket thread stuck between toes? That’s the Greyhound Scream of Death.

Pancaking: Greyhounds love to lie in the sun, as flat as a pancake!

Potato Chipping: Greyhounds are just like chips. Many adopters think one will be enough, but within a short time, they end up adopting a second, and a third and a fourth. It’s like eating potato chips. You can’t stop with just one.

Roaching: Greyhounds love to flip on their backs with their legs in the air when they sleep. It’s called roaching because it resembles the position of a deceased cockroach.

Rooing: Greyhounds don’t bark (much), but they love to howl in a sweet siren like “roo” for all to hear. Often times, greyhound festivals will conclude with a group “final roo” to send everyone off.

#TOT: #TOT is a common hashtag used in social media to accompany a picture of a greyhound with derp or ETS on Tuesdays. It stands for “Tongue Out Tuesday.”

Velcro dog: Velcro dogs stick close to their human’s side and often lean against them to stay in contact. They are stuck to you like Velcro.

We most likely missed a few Greyhound terms. Be sure to drop us a line at [email protected] to let us know your favorite or share a photo of an excellent demonstration!

