#griffin transformation

Arkannes needed help with her final for Classical Mythology 101, and she asked The Warlock for some

Arkannes needed help with her final for Classical Mythology 101, and she asked The Warlock for some help. She was given a pair of authentic Gryphon bracers, and guaranteed to get a A+. She didn’t even know that gryphons wore bracers… They did look old though, and strangely alluring… She couldn’t help but to slip the decorative leather bracers over her hands and up her wrists. She felt a shiver rise up her arms like goosebumps, and then a strange itching, which was duplicated on her legs. She didn’t even notice as fur and feathers grew in, too distracted by the strange sharp pulling feeling between her shoulder blades and at the base of her spine…

Within a half hour she figured out what The Warlock had meant by a guaranteed A, she was a mythological creature, ¼ Eagle, ¼ Lion, ½ Lady, and all kinds of awesome. Nobody was going to have a better report on a mythical being than her.

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