#griffindor secondary



I did the Sortinghatchats quiz over on itch.io, https://ejadelomax.itch.io/sortinghatchats

Your Primary House defines WHY you do things: your reasons, motivations, and drive. Your Secondary defines HOW: your methods, actions, and behaviors.

And these are my results:
I’m a Slytherin Primary (Or possible Burned Hufflepuff Primary).

I care about those close to me, and I’d do almost anything for the people I consider my friends and family. I’m ambitious and I follow my own rules. I actually have a list of directions of how to react, act in and deal with certain situations. My empathy is actually rather low, so I learned my own brand of ‘empathy’ to make up for that, so I can be there for the people I care about. I can be selfish at times, or seem that way. My own desires are what drive me, a good portion of my desires though are for the people I care deeply about to be happy. I try to stick with the ones I care the most about. 

I’m a Griffindor Secondary

I have my own rules that I abide by, and I meet my problems head on, I try my best to be and can be a lot of the times direct and blunt to the point of hurting peoples feelings. I hate going by the rules or being limited, I don’t like being told what to do and I adore chaos. I tend to find myself in situations where theres discord or strife and I can get carried away. I have my own brand of integrity and I absolutely will stand up for what I believe in. I know how to face my fears.
