

It’s Ironic that the guy who gave us one of the most horrific endings in all of anime gives us one of the most beautiful endings in all of manga, as it is quite unexpected that the last panel would show Griffith tearing up while speaking to Guts, which makes this cliffhanger much more than satisfying and unsatisfying but eternally eerie.

Somewhere in the afterlife, Kentaro Miura applauds Rickert for slapping the white off of Griffith

I am always troubled with how Griffith is framed as a villain mostly for sacrificing the band. What really cemented him as a villain for me was the rape of Casca. The deaths, if yet cruel, served a personal purpose for him while the rape was just to get back at Guts. I could see why someone would argue that the end justifies the means when it came to sacrificing the band of the hawk if the end goal was to create Falconia. But the rape served no purpose to his goal, he was just a fucking asshole. Man should have fell off his horse and died.

High school friends enjoy a thermal spring near Gardiner, Montana, April 1997.Photograph by Annie Gr

High school friends enjoy a thermal spring near Gardiner, Montana, April 1997.Photograph by Annie Griffiths, National Geographic

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