



Image adapted from here.

Pairing: Renjun x Reader
Genre:College AU, romance, angst, fluff
Warnings:Strong language, descriptions of anxiety and trauma response, a character gets Covid-19
Word Count: 3.8k

Navigation:Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6|Part 7 | You are on Part 8

A/N:The Dreamies are best friends and you can’t change my mind.


What do you do when everything that makes you a person starts to feel rudimentary? When you start to feel like an imposter in your own body? When nothing feels real and everything feels inconsequential and the world spins but you stand still?

You do what you’ve always done. You let your body keep you alive.

And that’s what Renjun does. He lets his body take over. He lets it put one foot in front of the other. He lets it make him breathe in and out. He lets it keep his heart beating.

Because his mind had stopped functioning. He felt a numbing take over. Like a warm trickle that started from the crown of his head had run down to his shoulders, numbing everything in its wake. Like his kind body knew that his mind needed protection that way. He feels numb and that’s all he feels.

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