
idasessions: Neal Preston: We had this thing on tours called ‘road wives.’ You’d hook up with a girl


Neal Preston: We had this thing on tours called ‘road wives.’ You’d hook up with a girl for the tour and then the second the tour ends, you never see her again.

Marc Maron: I remember that from Almost Famous.

NP:Well, everything in Almost Famous is pretty much real.

MM:That was all about the Allman Brothers tour, right?

NP:The character that Billy Crudup played, where the kid kept trying to get an interview, that’s a bit of Gregg Allman. The band itself, I think Cameron would tell you, is an amalgam of a lot of bands that had two competing, creative entities. You know, John & Paul, Don & Glenn, Mick & Keith, Jimmy & Robert. That kind of thing. The actual girl who got traded for a case of beer was…let’s just say a groupie I used to fraternize with. [laugh]

MM:So that’s a real incident? 

NP:Oh, yeah.

MM:That’s sort of sad, huh?


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70sgroupiex: “Little Wing is like one of these beautiful girls that come around sometimes, you play 70sgroupiex: “Little Wing is like one of these beautiful girls that come around sometimes, you play 70sgroupiex: “Little Wing is like one of these beautiful girls that come around sometimes, you play 70sgroupiex: “Little Wing is like one of these beautiful girls that come around sometimes, you play 70sgroupiex: “Little Wing is like one of these beautiful girls that come around sometimes, you play 70sgroupiex: “Little Wing is like one of these beautiful girls that come around sometimes, you play


“Little Wing is like one of these beautiful girls that come around sometimes, you play your gig; it’s the same thing as the olden days, and these beautiful girls come around..you do actually fall in love with them because that’s the only love you can have. It’s not always the physical thing of “Oh, there’s one over there…”, it’s not one of those scenes. They actually tell you something. They release different things inside themselves…‘Little Wing’ was a very sweet girl that came around that gave me her whole life and more if I wanted it.“ ✨

-Jimi Hendrix

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