#guardian oc


Personal reference sheet as I continue to get to know my Destiny 2 guardian, Taruch Ven.

Also in this house we use Ticcu’s Divination.

A couple of quick Guardian doodles because rereading old lore is making me emotional. All Guardians A couple of quick Guardian doodles because rereading old lore is making me emotional. All Guardians

A couple of quick Guardian doodles because rereading old lore is making me emotional. All Guardians depicted are OCs (some mine, some friends’)

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some scribbles. 1) eris morn ponders the orb. 2) hunters are always annoying and clingy (im a huntersome scribbles. 1) eris morn ponders the orb. 2) hunters are always annoying and clingy (im a huntersome scribbles. 1) eris morn ponders the orb. 2) hunters are always annoying and clingy (im a hunter

some scribbles.
1) eris morn ponders the orb.
2) hunters are always annoying and clingy (im a hunter main so i can confirm)
3) hunters are also crazy and will use their super to apply makeup

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“Spread your wings and set the sky ablaze. There will come a day where the Light will never fade.” -“Spread your wings and set the sky ablaze. There will come a day where the Light will never fade.” -“Spread your wings and set the sky ablaze. There will come a day where the Light will never fade.” -

“Spread your wings and set the sky ablaze. There will come a day where the Light will never fade.” - Dawnblade, Wings of Sacred Dawn

This is one of my (many lol) Guardian OCs. 

Her name is Dove, and her Ghost’s name is Abbott (he’s male, and loves his Guardian dearly). She usually doesn’t stray from solar abilities, Dawnblade being her preferred super (my original plan for this drawing was to have her holding a Dawnblade, but I decided against it in the end, so that’s why she’s holding a regular looking sword instead of one of the many unique in-game swords). I imagine she’s one of the OG risen, from the early Dark Ages. Spent most of her early immortal life in isolation, before eventually making her way to the budding City for a chance at civilization. She’s tired of the fighting and wonders if Guardians are allowed to retire… 

She had issue with the House of Light joining the City in the beginning, after her many centuries of fighting against Eliksni and seeing both her companions and innocent civilians fall to them, but she’s made an effort to recognize that not all Eliksni are her enemies. After an enlightening - if a bit tense - conversation with Mithrax about their shared fears and hopes of the future together, she’s come to see them from a new angle.

I tend to use a lot of religious imagery in her character, thus the inspiration for this pic. I’m not very familiar with painting styles, or trying realism, so this was a major struggle for me lol. But I’m glad I did it, I love the end result! Reblogs would be appreciated (^:

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Ko-fi commission for @seigephoenix of Kura and @crazy-bone-lady’s Ajun, Hunter and Warlock, respecti

Ko-fi commission for @seigephoenix of Kura and @crazy-bone-lady’s Ajun, Hunter and Warlock, respectively!

Ko-fi commission info|ko-fi.com/moosemum

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watch’s story

octopusdragon replied to your photo “doodle dump of my taken hunter oc, watch her story is a masterwork of…”

Please do write up her story :0


well first, a preface: as mentioned, her story is a LOT of headcanon. ALSO implies the Drifter’s nefarious intentions- which I would change, if he’s apparently a good guy, but…. I don’t trust him.


…..under the cut.

Watch was rezzed on the moon. How did she get on the moon? no one knows. she wasn’t really wearing moon gear. a mystery.

She was always really quiet, really weird. natural spy. Spectral Blades. Made other Guardians uneasy with how she rarely spoke and would just….watch. Hence the name. She didn’t remember her name from before, and had no indication for it, so the name “Watch” just stuck. And she eventually found her fireteam, who didn’t mind that she was weird or spacey.

And then they got assigned to a strike, with another fireteam, on one of Saturn’s moons. Taken activity. And no one knows exactly what happened.

Vanguard lost contact, and when they sent a retrieval team, (specifically my d1 team but thats a nother story,) all they found were a lot of dead guardians, shattered ghosts, Taken goo. Watch was the only survivor, barely. They found her covered in Taken gunk, missing all of her armor and weapons.

When they got her back to the Tower, they realized that Watch’s Ghost, somehow, was Taken, and the Taken blight was slowly eating at her, too. With her Ghost taken, he was no longer able to rez her- so Watch was on her last life, on borrowed time, until the Blight consumed her. (He also can’t speak, and communicates with morse code.)

She never told anyone what happened on that strike. Already quiet and anxious, the trauma of whatever happened made her mute and paranoid. She avoided other Guardians, acted like a caged animal when the Warlocks tried to examine her to investigate how the Blight was progressing. Only Ikora managed to earn her trust, so only Ikora is ever able to investigate her.

The blight turned her hands and feet black and clammy, and it’s slowly creeping up. She’s learned to channel it with her Void Light, and can do a blink jump like Void warlocks. She also occasionally coughs up globs of Taken goo, and bleeds a little blacker than she should.

Even more than before, Guardians hate being around her. She has an uncomfortable, unfamiliar way of moving, she never speaks, and even though the growing Taken blight is a secret, Guardians can sense the Darkness rolling off her. She’s constantly terrified, on edge, but no one knows what shes scared of.

As of the events of D2 basegame, Watch works as one of Ikora’s Hidden as a skilled assassin and spy against the Hive- because she KNOWS something’s coming. She barely even knew the war happened, showed up at the tower after it was over, saw it was destroyed, wandered over to the new one.

And when the Drifter showed up… she knew it didn’t mean anything good. She knew it meant that what she felt coming was here. Because she knows she’s seen him before, snooping around Taken sights while she’s in the field. and she knows he’s seen her, too. But she cant really say anything, because guardians like him, and shes just a paranoid spy most people dont even know. And shes terrified of him.

After the Last Wish clear, Ikora comes to believe that the Techeun Witches could probably remove the blight from Watch and her Ghost, but that would mean going into the heart of the blight, where it could consume her even more rapidly. Watch hasn’t found the courage to do it yet.

Anyways that’s Watch’s story! her favored weapons are a hand canon, scout rifle, and a sword, she has little claws on her feet to help her climb things, and she’s like 6ft tall

Lord help me boys i made another oneNow introducing First Lieutenant Evelyn Shepherd of the Titan Va

Lord help me boys i made another one

Now introducing First Lieutenant Evelyn Shepherd of the Titan Vanguard

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All my guardian ocs! Feel free to ask any questions bc I love talking abut them

All my guardian ocs! Feel free to ask any questions bc I love talking abut them

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