#guys who i would actually let eat me



I’m sorry, but only preds and pred-wannabes wear their shirts behind their neck like that. I mean yeah, showing off his torso has drawn me closer, so it works as good advertising, but still it’s a sign to avoid him. Or don’t, to be honest you could make worse choices than him


Sorry Spencer, but he’s gone; that’s what your belly becoming so flat means. You’ve started to digest him and now it’s too late to let him go. I’m sorry, I know you were friends, but in a way now you’ll always be together.

Watch out for this man, he’s less of a predator and more of a power plant that generates his energy by burning through twinks like coal

maxx114:                                I got close and closer still Even though I know what’s gonnamaxx114:                                I got close and closer still Even though I know what’s gonna


                               I got close and closer still

Even though I know what’s gonna happen I just can’t help myself; I get closer and closer still

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He smirks at you, while his eyes tell you you don’t even need to speak to ask to go back inside

With a body like that in a town like this, you better watch out

With a body like that in a town like this, you better watch out

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Bluffing? You really thought I wouldn’t live up to my promise? Just for that you’re next

hot-sportsmen: Sporty male@hot-sportsmen After a particularly dismal practice it’s time to see i


Sporty male


After a particularly dismal practice it’s time to see if that water boy will give enough of a push for the upcoming homecoming game.

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Not that it really matters anyways since you’re ending up in the same place, would you rather go down his throat or up his ass? No other choices, he’s hungry now


anevvic: Any predator will be happy if the victim himself agrees to go into his stomach With this pr


Any predator will be happy if the victim himself agrees to go into his stomach

With this predator I’d hardly call his prey “victims”

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I fully expect to be Andrew’s next meal and I’m more than okay with that


Tighter shots

Can someone kindly put a belly on this man? That’d be so freaking hot


Looking for real estate? I could let you come inside and check it out in 15 minutes if you want

When you were cornered in the locker room and swallowed against your will, you thought you were done

When you were cornered in the locker room and swallowed against your will, you thought you were done for, straight on the one way trip to being digested, but against all odds you once again felt fresh air on your skin as you left his mouth. Freedom is intoxicating, but so is the prospect of being able to pop-in there temporarily. While you can’t say you’re eager to get back in him right away, he did treat you well enough to earn a loyal guest.

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Everyone knows only one thing gets you a dad bod in minutes; and another predator starts his first hunt. Any volunteers wanna help a newbie out? Set him on the right track

vore-mecca: I don’t want to die, I really don’t. Then tell me why I just offered myself as a meal to


I don’t want to die, I really don’t. Then tell me why I just offered myself as a meal to this man

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