#hahaha no



My friend told me I had to publish the drunk uquiz I made so here ya go: I assign you a uni major based on vibes


So Wrong but So Right

hey check out my new ship of the week, hope you guys like it. Ganderdinger 2022 baybeyyyyy-

367 Words

“Gandalf, my love, what big jugs you have!”

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“I used to do a lot of traveling. To help me write songs… But recently I haven’t though“I used to do a lot of traveling. To help me write songs… But recently I haven’t though

“I used to do a lot of traveling. To help me write songs… But recently I haven’t thought about going anywhere. Do you know why? Because you’re here, Pony. I didn’t want to leave you. When I look at you, I get more ideas for songs than I ever got traveling.“

Gustafa Proposal - Harvest Moon DS Cute.

Sorry for my bad english. But we need mora FA’s of Gustafa. >:^c

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