#haley long

One thing that came out of Blacktober was my American Dragon reboot/au/reimagining. More info about One thing that came out of Blacktober was my American Dragon reboot/au/reimagining. More info about One thing that came out of Blacktober was my American Dragon reboot/au/reimagining. More info about One thing that came out of Blacktober was my American Dragon reboot/au/reimagining. More info about One thing that came out of Blacktober was my American Dragon reboot/au/reimagining. More info about One thing that came out of Blacktober was my American Dragon reboot/au/reimagining. More info about One thing that came out of Blacktober was my American Dragon reboot/au/reimagining. More info about

One thing that came out of Blacktober was my American Dragon reboot/au/reimagining. More info about it in the cut below!

Jake uses a whole lot of AAVE, complete with a blaccent (t’s very cringey a lot of the time) and I just thought…why not just make him Black?

Jake and Haley are Black (African American) and Chinese, their dad, Jonathan, is Black now (bc dorky Black dads rock). Also Susan’s able to turn into a dragon because I always found that little tidbit nonsensical lol.

Jake’s also bi…because I said so.

Rose is Cree. Doesn’t know that (until she finally meets her twin sister), and she bleaches her hair blonde to look more like her “uncle.” Usually good at keeping her black roots from showing but y’know…hard to squeeze in a salon appt when you’re trying to be a perfect student in a million clubs and then pretty much all of your free time is spent slaying magical creatures.

Oracle Twins are Puerto Rican n’ Greek. Parents aren’t mentioned in canon so it’s free real estate-. I liked their original designs and the second season redesigns but the latter was such a jarring change. Decided to just create a happy medium between the two.

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