#half chapter


This is going to be quite a long series based on a character called Lexie on my patreon who discovers she likes the feeling of having an accident and being little again. I hope you’ll enjoy the cute regression she takes over the upcoming chapters and remember if you ever want to request a story it’s only $5 per chapter on my Patreonwith a free prologue. 

This is a free “half chapter” in my Lexie series about what happens directly after she has an accident at a party, in chapter 2. If you want to read about all her accidents so far and the party accident itself please subscribe to my patreon for all my stories for as little as $1 a month

PROLOUGE (Free)             CHAPTER 1              CHAPTER 2

Chapter 2.5 “The Aftermath” 3300 words

Lexie froze and felt her heartbeat skyrocket as the reality of the situation hit her like a brick, she had wet herself. She felt her cheeks redden and instantly looked around terrified, the whole situation changing instantly, she had completely soaked herself in the middle of a party. She felt the drum of her heartbeat as hundreds of situations flashed through her head of everybody realizing what she had done and the social suicide that would follow.

She turned around and instantly blushed more as she felt her warm soaked panties cling to her ass and her wet socks in her shoes, she hadn’t just had an accident she had completely drenched herself from all the alcohol. She stood there like a toddler completely frozen with fear.

“Lexie, what’s going on” Clara said shouting over the music nearing her friend

Lexie didn’t know what to say as she saw her friend come towards her, she felt so helpless in her current predicament. She still wasn’t thinking right, all she could concentrate on was the warm all down her and the wet fabric clinging to her legs, it was overpowering. All that came out of her was frightened muffled “ummm”

As Clara came over to her friend Lexie felt like the walls were closing in. How had it come to this she thought as her friend neared, it had felt so good, amazing even as she was peeing and now all of a sudden, she had hit rock bottom. As Clara neared even closer, Lexie heard the song change and Clara froze too.

“OMG Lexie this is THE song” She screamed excitedly, seemingly forgetting everything that had happened minutes before and running to her friend. “C’mon Lexie Dance with me”

Lexie had no choice in the matter as Clara once again grabbed her hands and they began jumping. Lexie didn’t know what to do but start jumping with her friend. It was a sensation she never thought she’d feel in her adult life as her warm wet clothes hung to her as she jumped up and down. Her socks in her shoes got pressed down with every jump and she felt the remanence of warm liquid in on her feet, her warm panties seemed to cling and twist around her bum as she jumped faster and faster with her friend, her wet skirt didn’t flap up and down like it was supposed to but instead was sticking against her legs moving the soaked fabric up and down slightly with ever jump.

Lexie was so fixated on the feelings pulsing through her legs that she gradually seemed to forget all about the social conscience of getting caught. It was amazing. She loved the feeling of her wet clothes on her, all warm on her skin as she jumped and danced with her friend. Lexie started dancing harder as the same warmth in her chest seemed to expand with happiness, she was free. She could do whatever she wanted. All that time she was worrying about having an accident was for nothing. No one cared.

Lexie couldn’t help but smile and sing as she thought this is what its like to be little and careless again and she loved it. She had literality just peed herself moments ago and it had felt like the best thing she had ever experienced and now she was dancing with her friend at the party as if nothing had happened. Nothing apart from now she could feel her warm wet clothes on her constantly reminding her what it was like to be little and free.

Lexie felt stupid about panicking moments ago and made up for it by dancing with her friend properly now. She felt amazing as she no longer had her stupid bladder holding her back and she could finally dance however she pleased.

The song finally came to an end and there was a moment of silence as both girls caught the breath and looked at each other laughing, Lexie had never felt so happy in her life. It had all happened so fast that she hadn’t had a chance to just stand and catch her breath. She could still feel her accident all over her legs and she blushed, she looked around not panicking this time as she was still on a high from her dancing and saw everyone dancing normally, no one even noticed throughout all the excitement. She looked at her friend who was giggling, clearly still drunk. The music started up again with a slow song this time, this seemed to calm everyone in the room again slightly as everyone began swaying slowly side to side.

Lexie caught her friend’s eye again and before she could say anything Clara had grabbed her and began slow dancing with her giggling, “Dance with me Lexie”. Lexie smiled, she began swaying with her friend but was becoming increasingly more self-conscious of her current state as she realised how close her and Clara were and hoped Clara wouldn’t notice her accident. She was enjoying herself too much to have to explain to her friend what she had done. Besides, it was fun hiding it.

Clara looked up at her friend happily and rolled her eyes,” See I told you we would have fun if you just let go a bit”

Lexie blushed a bit at the phrase “let go” but smiled and said “Whatever, but thanks I really enjoyed myself”

“Of course you did silly, when have I ever let you down” Clara said laughing

“Umm like most weeks” Lexie retorted jokingly

“Oh shut up” she said laughing back before pulling out of Lexie’s grip looking around, “This songs dead wanna find those boys again” she said looking around keenly.

This is exactly what Lexie didn’t want to do as there would be no concealing her clothes then, “What no” She said acting keen to dance, “Lets carry on dancing, you’ve get me into it now”

Clara rolled her eyes but faced her friend again, “Fine but only a couple more songs and then we get busy” she said winking at her friend. The slow song seemed to have sobered both girls up a bit and Clara was back to her confident self it seemed. Lexie on the other hand was realising that she was still very much wet but was starting too cool down which made her wet clothes feel even more attached to her.

As a new song started up, faster than before and the girls started dancing again and Clara let out an exasperated groan, “Fucking hell, these heels are hurting my feet” she said clearly just realising the pain while sobering up, “Can’t we do something else”

Lexie new what “something else” meant and felt her heartbeat go up again, she couldn’t let Clara drag her along again. “Just umm” she thought desperately, “take your shoes off for a bit, no one will care”

Clara looked around noticing that indeed no one would give a shit what she did and began unfastening her shoes, looking up at Lexie she muttered, “Two songs”.

Lexie smiled and was relieved that she could continue dancing for a few more songs, not only because it meant she wasn’t going to be exposed but also because she enjoyed dancing with her friend, more so when she was wet she admitted to herself guilty. Probably just the alcohol making her feel like she liked it, she convinced herself, nothing more.

As the song picked up the girls began dancing fully again, having fun just as they were before Lexie’s accident and both were happily singing along as the song came to an end. Lexie was about to start jumping for the next song when she felt Clara tap her on the back.

She turned around and saw Clara standing still puzzled, “What’s wrong” Lexie asked concerned

“Nothing, just my feet are wet” Clara said confused.

Lexie felt like a bus had just hit her as she too froze on the spot. Heat rushed to her face as she realised that she must have made a mess on the carpet. How could I not have realised that she thought to herself worried. Of course the floor would be wet she had completely pissed herself. Lexie looked down to the carpet but couldn’t see the state of it as it was too dark, trying to calm herself she realised that she couldn’t have made too much of a mess because her clothes were soaked as it is and decided Clara must have just been unlucky in that she was standing over her accident.

Lexie was torn between telling her friend about her accident or just straight out lying. It would be way embarrassing to admitting to peeing herself especially at a party, and if she was being honest she wanted to stay and dance more. It wasn’t fair. Lexie felt the familiar feeling of wanting to be little again and just do what she wanted without having to care about everyone else.

“Someone must have spilt their drink” Lexie said lying quickly. She instantly felt guilty, but it was over powered by the feeling of being little and lying.

Clara shrugged “Yeah whatever, I’m gonna take my socks off though so they don’t get ruined, help me balance will you.”

Lexie panicked “But..but”

“Oh just come here” Clara said balancing on Lexie as she took her socks off.

Lexie felt as if everything was happening in slow motion and she couldn’t stop it, she was helpless just like yesterday, it made her feel even smaller. A tear welled in her eye as the situation began to sink in, it just wasn’t fair.

“Jesus these are wet” She heard Clara say, and she yet again was filled with embarrassment, it had felt so good for maybe 10 minutes and now she was brought back to reality. Lexie heart pounded, would Clara realise or would she be able to play it off.

Clara finished taking her socks off and began to rise when Lexie first smelt It. She froze, blood rushing to her cheeks as she realised that if she could smell it then Clara definitely could.

As Clara finally straightened up the smell of Lexie’s warm pee on Clara’s socks became even more apparent. Lexie saw Clara’s face crumple as she realised what it was,

“Omg they stink of piss” Clara said holding them out.

Lexie felt her lip tremble as she felt like the walls were closing in on her.

“You don’t think anyone pissed themselves, do you?” Clara said looking around giggling a bit

Lexie didn’t know what to do as she felt increasingly little and helpless as the scene played out. “What no, of course not” Lexie mumbled

“What did you say?” Clara asked not hearing her over the music.

“Just that I don’t think that… that someone might have had… had an accident” Lexie said on the verge of tears

Clara looked at Lexie properly for a minute or two studying her friend before bursting out laughing, “Omg Lexie did you wet yourself?” she said giggling.

Lexie panicked and felt tears fall down her cheeks, “No no I didn’t” she said desperately

Clara was still laughing as she pulled Lexie towards her and bent down in the dark so she could see her skirt, “Lexie you’re soaked, and you stink of pee” Clara said as she straightened up laughing.

Lexie burst out crying, this wasn’t supposed to happen she thought as she realised how babyish she looked crying in the middle of a dance floor after wetting herself. She couldn’t face her friend and began rambling, “No it wasn’t me, must have been someone else, I think maybe that I must have just been near them”.

“Lexie stop crying” Clara said as she took Lexie’s hand in hers and looked at her friend.

Lexie looked at her friend and saw that she was still giggling as if she was trying to keep a straight face. “Why are you laughing?” she mumbled crying

“Because you’re being silly!” Clara said bursting out laughing again, “Did you pee yourself or not?”

Lexie didn’t know what to say as her friend was laughing about the matter which was not the reaction she was expecting, it was so overwhelming and she couldn’t handle it anymore, “Yes” she said quietly

This set Clara off again and she began laughing again.

“Stop Laughing its not funny” Lexie exclaimed to Clara hurt.

“It is, you pissed yourself” Clara said giggling

“It was an accident” Lexie said instinctively although that wasn’t strictly true

“I’m sure it was” Clara replied laughing

Lexie felt like an idiot in front of her friend and began to tear up again. At the same time felt all little again and was torn between embarrassment and curiosity

“Stop crying silly” Clara said trying keep a straight face, “It doesn’t matter, no one knows”

“You know” Lexie said muffled

“Lexie I’ve known you for 18 years I don’t care if you pee yourself” Clara said hugging her friend.

“It was an accident” Lexie repeated still overwhelmed with embarrassment

“I know stupid, now lets get out of here” Clara said leading her friend to the exit

“What about your boys” Lexie said guiltily

“I don’t know about you but I don’t want to have to explain the mess on the floor when the lights come on” Clara said jokingly

“I’m so sorry” Lexie said stuttering as they neared the door

“Stop apologising, I don’t care” Clara said laughing again, “Let get you back to the car”

The two girls left the house and were met with the crisp outside air. Lexie blushed as she felt the cold air contrast with her lightly warm legs and wet skirt. She still couldn’t believe she peed herself, and Clara had found out. The cold air seemed to calm her slightly as she walked behind her friend, although Clara found out she didn’t care, Lexie thought controlling herself. She had found it funny for fucks sake. Lexie suddenly felt very babyish for crying, it was just an accident, and no one seemed to mind.

As they neared the car Clara opened the boot, “Do you want to change?” She asked Lexie shrugging.

Lexie blushed harder as she realised the absurdity of the question, here she was at 19 being asked if she wanted to change out of her pissed clothing. What was more absurd Lexie realised standing in the cold with wet clothes clinging to her was that she didn’t want to change, she liked feeling her accident on her, reminding her she was little and had had an accident. Of course she wasn’t going to admit that to Clara though.

“No its okay, Ill just get your stuff dirty too” Lexie said quickly

Clara looked her up and down and started giggling again, “Yeah probs for the best, you did really soak yourself didn’t you”

Lexie couldn’t help but smile gently at the teasing, “It was the alcohol” she said brushing it off

“Hmmm still, take this” Clara said throwing her a towel

Lexie looked at it confused, “I’m not like wet anymore” She said embarrassed

“Its for your seat, stupid” Clara clarified

“But-“Lexie began

“Can you honestly tell me that there is no chance your wet ass is gonna ruin my seat” Clara said cutting her off

Lexie felt her soaked panties clinging to her arse, not to mention the back end of her skirt against her thigh and decided it was best to use the towel, “whatever” she said ignoring her friends snort

Lexie opened the door and put the towel on the chair, she sat down and smiled inwardly as she felt her wet panties press against her arse and her wet soaked skirt on her upper legs trapping the fabric between her and the towel, Lexie even blushed when she felt small amounts of warm liquid escape the drenched fabrics as she sat and put pressure on her clothing.

Clara got in the car looked over at her friend before setting off, “You must be cold you want the heating on?”

“No I’m still warm actually” Lexie said blushing, she couldn’t help feeling little through the whole conversation

Clara started giggling again, “When did you like go?” She asked shyly.

This made Lexie feel even more little and she mumbled some excuse without telling Clara.

“Oh don’t be like that, you’re literally sitting on a towel in my car, tell me” Clara said giggling

Lexie blushed but decided her friend was right, “Well you know when I ran off and then came back to you and we began dancing again” Lexie said shyly

“Yeah” Clara said giggling

“And our song came on” Lexie carried on

“Yeah” Clara said nearing hysterics

“Just before then” Lexie said blushing

“LEXIE” Clara exclaimed burst out laughing, “You’ve been in those clothes for like 20 minutes, why didn’t you tell me!”

“I was embarrassed” Lexie said shyly blushing a bit and getting that same warm feeling in her chest.

“You could have told me though; I could have helped” Clara said sympathetically

“How” Lexie replied adamantly

“I could have got you my clothes or something” Clara suggested still giggling

“Can you stop laughing” Lexie said still puzzled why her friend found this so funny, not that she minded, it was a lot better than her being disgusted and in actual fact made Lexie feel better about the whole thing, but it was still unnerving.

“I’m sorry its just that-” She burst out laughing again

“What” Lexie exclaimed trying to get an answer from her friend

“You actually peed yourself” Clara shouted laughing

“CLARA! Stop, its not funny” Lexie insisted getting all embarrassed again.

“Oh get over yourself, Lexie its funny, no one cares” Clara insisted trying to make her friend see the funnier side

“I just feel embarrassed” Lexie confessed to her friend.

“Don’t be, you could literary shit yourself in front of me and I wouldn’t care, accidents happen” Clara said firmly, still giggling

“I guess” Lexie said cheering up a bit. If she was being honest it did make her feel better hearing Clara say all of this, maybe she was right. Accidents do happen, even if this was the second time in two days. But she was drunk so it was different, she told herself. And besides no one cared she realised. This made Lexie feel even better, she had just wet herself and no one minded, maybe it was all okay.

As they made there way home Lexie and Clara continued talking about the party and boys and all the normal stuff they talk about after every party, and as they pulled up to Lexie’s drive she had almost forgotten about her accident.

“Well I’ll see you later then” Clara said as she stopped the car

“Yeah, thanks for the lift and I’m sorry about yanno” Lexie replied gesturing her legs

“I said don’t worry about it” Clara said adamantly, “No harm done, literally” Clara added

“Well thanks anyway, I’ll call you tomorrow?” Lexie said getting out of the car

“Wait, can you wash this with your clothes” Clara asked handing her the towel

“What, why” Lexie said puzzled

“I’ll have to explain to my mum what happened if I throw this in the wash” Clara explained

“Oh right sure” Lexie mumbled “bye then”

“Bye!!” Clara shouted pulling out of the drive leaving Lexie standing outside her house.

She hadn’t thought about her clothes, she couldn’t just put them in the wash her mom would find out. Lexie stood outside puzzled for 5 minutes until she felt her wet skirt plastered on her legs getting colder and colder and decided that the best thing to do was to sort them out tomorrow after sobering up a bit.

She made her way inside into the bathroom where she stripped of and had a quick shower, she couldn’t help but feel all warm again when the warm water running down her legs reminded her of her accident. Lexie was confused as to why she liked feeling like these during her recent accidents but as Clara and her mom had said, accidents happen and no one minds. With that thought in mind Lexie made her way to her bedroom, got changed in her pjs and went to bed…

If you liked this half chapter, please check out the full ones (with all the accidents) on my patreon!
