

Shots of BOTH a nylon slip covered bum…and a nylon pantied bum..all from a gorgeous, curvy model with a fantastic caboose!

What is so amazingly hot about this is the fact you can’t even view her full panties or slip! Just a glimpse of lace from the hem of her dress and the intricate details around the gusset of her nylon panties. Such a massive turn on! The model is smok'in fine as well and dons the attire well!

Glamourvision - way back in the day. Their damsels in distress office environment series. Loved this series (even got one of their DVD’s waaaaay back when).


Tessa! The original and old school Glamourvision. I think she MIGHT had been the founder, not sure. Kudos to you and the creation of Glamourvision.
