#hall of birb



A/N: I’M ALIVE!!! And finally managed to write something small again after quite some weeks of having a blockage. I feel like it’s not completely gone unfortunately so it’s going to be a slow process. I hope you’ll like this for now!


Cliché #13:There’s people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow you’re close” | Hawks (Takami Keigo)

“Over there! They ran this way!”

Wind was rushing past your ears as the voices came closer, terror in your eyes as another trash can hit the wall inches from where you had just passed it. Hawks peered over his shoulder back at you, noticing your slowing steps. He quickly halted so you were able to catch up to him and grab his hand, not pause when he pulled you along, maneuvering through the narrow alleyways. You breathed as heavily as ever, your muscles starting to burn but with no intent to stop, Hawks fingers intertwined with yours and the ever present voices of the villains behind you giving you enough adrenaline to rush through your body to push through.

Hawks cursed internally, why did he have to use up all his feathers during that fight earlier? It would have been so easy to glide through the skies, avoiding the villains all together. Well,, he had to curse his quick instincts for that, thinking his feathers would fix everything the fastest. Now he had to think and adapt to the situation as quickly as possible, he can’t risk putting his sidekick in danger just because he messed up his calculations. 

“Quick, in here!” he said, jerking you harshly to the side.

A quiet yelp escaped your mouth, but you quickly found yourself completely still, hands covering your mouth when you heard the heavy footsteps passing by the small alleyway Hawks had pulled you into. You looked up into his piercing, dark eyes, heavily concentrated on picking up any kind of sounds from the villains. You could see droplets of sweat glistening on his forehead, his heavy breathing quickly stopped as he looked around the corner to check for the chasers. 

After a few moments of suspension, you could feel him relax and as the adrenaline slowly subsided you realized for the first time that you were pressed into Hawks’ frame, his arms had wrapped around your waist, holding onto you as to protect you should the villains discover your hiding spot. 

“Well, if that wasn’t the greatest escape,” Hawks laughed, wiping some sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, before you could feel it resting against your waist again.

“U-uhm, H-Hawks?” You stammered, not being able to get much else out since you were more concerned about being pressed up against the number 2 hero’s chest. Not that it was a negative thing, you were certainly smitten by him ever since you started working at his agency. You’ve just never been so close to him before and it made your cheeks blush.

Haws noticed and and with a smirk, his grip tightening around you to pull a little closer “You okay kid? You seem a little red there? Did all the running catch up to you?” 

If it wasn’t enough to your embarrassment, he let his hand brush up to your face and gently cupped your chin, making you look up into his golden eyes and parted lips. You could still feel him panting a little, making your chests collide with every breath. He smiled softly, turning your head from left to right to inspect your face. “Seems like you don’t have any injuries.”

“Y-yeah, I’m… i’m okay.” You averted his eyes, the heat in your cheeks getting increasingly warmer.

Reluctantly you felt the hero let go of you and you did the same, stepped back a bit and brushed some hair out of your face. You finally managed to look at him again, the smile still present as he looked at your flushed face. “You’re so cute.” he murmured while you were occupied with scanning your surroundings to make sure you lost the villains.

“What did you say?” Your eyes snapped back towards him and the hero’s eyes widened, he quickly looked away “Nothing!” he blurted and took a look around the corner for himself. 

You raised an eyebrow at him but before you could ask again, he winked at you and held out his hand, “Come on, let’s head back to the agency.” 


A/N: I’m on my period right now which sucks balls so I wanted to write something comforting and decided to do some headcanons for what the boys (feat. Dabi, Hawks and Shigaraki) do when you’re on your period. I’ve had these on my idea list for a while now, so glad to be able to post them. Let’s get soft! 


  • Dabi finds out about it when he notices you’re locking yourself in your room at the League. You wouldn’t come out except sometimes to get a snack or to go to the bathroom 
  • He’s used to you being in the living room constantly, helping others or just hanging out with Toga and Twice. So he can’t deny that he gets a little worried about the situation
  • After getting insight that you’re on your period, however, it makes much more sense to him
  • At first he thinks it would be better to leave you alone but after almost a whole day of not seeing you leave your room, he decides to go check on you anyways
  • He sneaks into your room when nobody is looking and sits down beside your body which is wrapped up in your blanket on the bed. 
  • He pets your hair and whispers not to startle you “Hey there doll, you okay?”
  • You groan and turn around to look up to him, eyes a little teary but they seem happy to see him
  • He notices how you hug your stomach under the blanket and without saying anything he lays down behind you, wrapping his arms around yo.
  • His chest is pressed against your back and helps with your tense back muscles while his hands replace yours on your lower stomach
  • He’ll heat up his palms ever so slightly to ease your cramps. His entire body is like a perfect little heater for you to just cuddle up to
  • Sometimes when it’s worse, he’ll take his shirt off so you can get contact with the warm skin
  • You can just lean back into him and he’ll hold you for as long as you need to, giving you space to move and adjust until you feel comfortable
  • When you feel like you’re getting close to falling asleep, you feel a gentle kiss being placed on your hair and him saying, “Could’ve asked me sooner if you needed help, doll.”


  • He keeps track of your cycle so he knows and can plan ahead to take time off from work to be there for you
  • He’ll fly everywhere to get you the stuff you want and need during your period in advance so you don’t have to get them yourself. And before you know it, it became a habit of him preparing a little “period kit” consisting of things like tampons,pads, snacks, a water bottle or a heating pad and also some movies for distraction for you
  • When your cramps get really bad he will carry you around the apartment so you don’t have to walk
  • He scoops you up in his strong arms and lets you cling to him, gently running his hand up and down your back to help with the pain
  • When your pain gets so bad that he hears you sobbing into the crook of his neck, he immediately showers you in little kisses, sitting down on the couch or the bed and settles you into his lap
  • His wings come around you to provide some more warmth as he gently hums and rocks you through your pain
  • “Shh shh, baby bird, I’m here, it’s going to be okay.”
  • He will keep you in his lap and holds and gives you all the attention and kisses until he sees your beautiful smile again
  • He’ll gladly lend you all of his clothes, may it be shirts or giant hoodies. 
  • He doesn’t want to admit it but his bird instincts want to keep you covered in his scent during this time, so he always leaves a whole set of clothes out for you to wear if he’s gone because of an emergency


  • This man basically has no clue what’s happening the first time you get it 
  • One time he just sees you up late at night getting food and pills from the bar and quickly disappearing into your room again
  • As your partner, he’s used to you wanting your own space and he accepts that, but even that is a little excessive for you 
  • As the days pass, your behaviour gets more worrying to him and he finds himself before your shut doors
  • He asks the other members if they know what’s up with you and Toga explains “Silly are you that oblivious? Poor girl’s on her period.”
  • Shigaraki is still confused because you never told him about it so Toga ends up explaining it all to him, telling him that your periods are usually really bad with terrible cramps, nausea and the whole package
  • After he knows what’s up, he’s done with giving you space because even if he’s not that great at it, you’re still his partner and he wants to make sure you are okay 
  • He’ll catch you when you are on one of your trips to the bar and tells you to come with him
  • He’ll bring you into his room and sit on his bed, pulling you down with him. On his bed he prepared some drinks and a warm water bottle which he grabs after you’re comfortable in his lap.”Here take this.”
  • He hands the water bottle to you and you accept it, smiling to yourself at his attempt of being a caring boyfriend
  • He leans his chin on your shoulder and starts up a game to play to distract you. From time to time he lets go of the controller and wraps both of his arms around you to hug you and rubs your belly “Feeling better?”
  • You either nod or say nothing and depending on that he either continues playing the game or keeps hugging you 
  • He’s not used to taking care of others, so it takes him a while to figure out what else you need and what he can do to make you feel better
  • When you demand more attention from him and tug on his shirt he pauses the game to lay down so you can lay on his chest and cling to him. He’s not protesting in any way and instead keeps a hand on your back, protecting you from people who dare to interfere 


Some Keigo Headcanons because I’m bored!

  • Kei is constantly whistling, and it slightly annoys you but it’s cute so you can’t stay mad for long.

“Keigo.” You watched from the couch as your boyfriend popped his head from around the corner, his wings flaring up as he tilted his head to the side to look at you. “Yeah? What’s up?” He smiles sweetly, it almost makes you shut up completely.

“I love you, but if you sing the Addam’s Family Theme song one more time, I will go mess up the bed-” His face goes slack as fear sets in, suddenly hes running towards the bedroom, screaming “NO NO PLEASE Y/N IM SORRY-” and you can’t stop giggling.

  • The bed is basically his nest, and you begin to wonder if he should just have a separate room for the things he finds. You have to put a stop to it sometimes, like when you find… weird things at night.

You stretched out your arms, sighing as you feel stressed from your long day at work. Finally, you could sleep peacefully and just have a nice night with your boyfriend.

You pull back the blanket, and lo and behold, t r a s h.

“Kei?” You glare at your boyfriend as he sheepishly climbs on the bed and starts picking up the plastic garbage he found and placed there.

“They are so shiney and pretty…” he tried to explain, but you just close your eyes and take deep breaths.

You still get poked by a couple of straws he found and some string.

  • He won’t admit it, but sometimes he can’t help but walk really fast on his tip toes. It’s like he’s attempting to be quiet, but the pitter patter gives him away.

You sit on the counter, snacking on an apple when you can hear him pacing around from room to room looking for you like a maniac.

Okay, maybe it wasn’t that bizarre since it was 4 am and you disappeared from the bed.

“Keigo, I’m in here Honey.” You snicker as you hear him running towards you in such a cute way that you can’t describe.

He is relieved when he sees you and sighs, walking in front of you only to snatch your apple and run away while giggling like a toddler.

