

Pairing: Lafeyette x reader 

I WROTE THIS IN 40 MINUTES SUCK MY DICK ha you thought ruby was only posting one thing well bada bing bada boom have some laf yall probably need it lmao 

Word count: 1587

Request: Laf comforting the reader who is scared of heights at a carnival?

Feedback is appreciated :)

Today was supposed to be a good day. The “Hamilsquad” as they dubbed themselves or your four friends, Alexander Hamilton (the namesake), John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, or Lafayette for short, and Hercules Mulligan, had heard about a carnival coming into town and seemed hellbent on going. You, of course, agreed and caved to their pressure when the three of them had assured you that Laf was going. Your heart did a little flip just at the thought of him. God, I’ve got it bad. You thought helplessly. Lafayette had approached you in Freshman year of high school, inquiring about the whereabouts of his classes as he was an exchange student. From then on, you had introduced him to the others and quickly developed a deep relationship which eventually led to you falling for him. Hard.

“(Y/N)? Are you listening to me?” Alex asked with a huff and a cross of his arms over his chest.

You jumped at the sudden interruption and rapidly nodded your head in false reassurance. “What did I say then?”

Grinning at him, you shrugged innocently. “Do you honestly expect me to keep track of everything that comes out of your mouth, Alexander?”

A snort came from the driver’s seat as John glanced to the back seat in the rear view mirror. “She’s got you there, bud.”

Alexander huffed and shifted in his seat, causing you to be pushed slighter closer to Laf than you really wanted to be. Currently, you were sandwiched in between Alex and Laf, an uncomfortable but also slightly pleasant position.

Just as you had started calming down from your mini heart attack that accompanied making contact with Lafayette, he wrapped a muscular arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his chest. “You looked uncomfortable,” He justified his actions with a wink.

Needless to say, you swore you could melt right into your seatbelt and puddle at his feet, ready to obey his every command. Who gave him the right to make you feel like this? It truly wasn’t fair.

The car ride was filled with teasing remarks from the other boys, directed towards either you and Laf, or each other, it was usually the former, and your cheeks nearly burning off. “Make sure to buy her dinner first!” Hercules stated; an account that had particularly stuck with you.

It’s not like it would happen anyways as you were almost positive Lafayette didn’t reciprocate your feelings at all.

You all tumbled excitedly out of John’s car into the carnival’s parking space, eager to begin. Your eyes sparkled with childish elation as you walked slightly ahead of the group, a cheerful skip in your step. “So what do you guys want to do first? The rides? Games?” You suggested, turning around to face them as you walked.

“Let’s do the games first! I swear I’ll win a goldfish this year!” John said, determination lacing his voice.

“That’s what you say every year and it still hasn’t happened yet,” Alex snickered at John’s reaction to his accusation and high-fived Hercules.

Smiling, and laughing along with them, you realized Laf was oddly quiet. Usually, he would be the one teasing John, or at least contributing in some apparently hilarious way, judging from the reactions he always got. “I’ve been roasting since the womb.” It’s basically his catchphrase at this point.

Deciding to be the concerned one, you pushed your anxieties away and fell into step with him. “Are you okay, Laf?”

He looked slightly startled at your “sudden” appearance and interest. “O-oh yeah I’m fine!”

Something was wrong. You don’t think you’ve ever heard Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette stutter a single word in his life, but here he was. That melting feeling returned as you realized he was stuttering, talking to you. Something oddly suspicious. No. He doesn’t like you, (Y/N), and he never will.

Your inner turmoil was boiling at this point and you almost forgot to give Laf some sort of acknowledgment. However, just as you had opened your mouth, John had beaten it to you, as your group had arrived at the goldfish booth, his carnival obsession. Each year, John played but never won.You all had been going for four consecutive years at that. John had not given up. That means I’ve liked Laf for four years now too. No. Not like. I’m in love with him. I’m in love with Lafayette. You could’ve sworn you were going to faint. With your heartbeat suddenly palpating, you gripped the table for support, pretending to be intrigued and paying attention to John’s goldfish ping pong attempts. He had bounced it in one of the top cups when your cheeks had finally returned to a somewhat normal color. Wait, top cups? John had finally won!

Your problems were momentarily forgotten as you launched yourself at John, pulling him into a victorious hug. John lat out a loud laugh and twirled you around, before setting you down to retrieve his glorious prize, getting free odd looks from the stand operator as a bonus. In all the excitement, you had missed the ill, possibly jealous look Laf had plastered upon his face. He wasn’t jealous of John’s Goldfish, that he was threatening to name Burr, he was jealous of that magnificent looking hug you had gifted John with. That sort of thing was supposed to be reserved for him only. What am I thinking? It’s not like we’re dating. Although I wish we were… Laf dug his hands into his pockets, filled with thoughts of rejection.

The games passed by as you all participated in the classics such as darts and ring toss, still reveling in Johns Goldfish that he had officially named Sharkira, as he thought the name was completely and utterly ingenious. You begged to differ. However, the group had come to a standby at the ride area entrance, arguing over what to ride first. “What about that one?” You asked meekly, pointing to a kiddy ride.

They all burst out laughing at your ridiculous suggestion. You could only manage a nervous grin. Laf glanced at you worriedly, easily reading your expression. While he had laughed along with Alex, John, and Herc, he knew your fake smile from miles away. You were a terrible actor.

It had been decided that you would do a run through the haunted house to “get in the mood” as Herc had put it. It was getting dark, and they had yet to turn on the night lights of the carnival, therefore surrounding the premises with an eery atmosphere. Needless to say you weren’t too excited.

The five of you came stumbling out of the attraction with Alex, John, and Herc all huddled together mumbling and shaking slightly, and you were latched onto Laf (without having fully registered the consequences in your fear stricken mind). Lafayette was staring down at you, cuddled into his shoulder seeking comfort, with an awestricken expression. One of pure adoration. Of pure love.

After a ride on the Scrambler, the lights had been finally turned on, casting a whole new mood across the entire park. “I want to go on the Ferris Wheel!” John exclaimed, running off towards the large wheel.

You gulped at the sight of it and shrank back slightly. “Mon minou, are you alright?” Laf inquired, shooting you a concerned look, that infiltrated you easily and took over your thoughts.

Does he actually care?

“I’m alright, just a little tired,” You lied, your mind drifting to what the French meant.

The Ferris Wheel is a living nightmare for you, with your deathly fear of heights after all. However, you couldn’t and wouldn’t bring down the cheerful atmosphere with your petty fears. As the employee was locking your seat bars into place (you had been placed with Laf of course and you had begun to consider the possibility of your friends conspiring against you) causing you to began to shake, anxiety flooding your mind. This, unfortunately, didn’t go unnoticed by the worried man sitting next to you. He had never seen you look so… shaken. Scared. Laf crept his hand towards your and laced your trembling hands with large, warm ones.

The ride started moving with a loud groan and a frightened squeeze constricting his hand. “It’s okay (Y/N). I’m here.” He reassured with a smile.

You nodded, feeling bad that he had to be stuck with you and your sweaty palms.

The Ferris wheel stopped at the top. It always did, and you were on the edge of a full-blown panic attack. Suddenly you felt a gentle hand pulling your chin towards the source. “Look at me. I’m here. Just look at me.”

The carnival cast a colorful sheen over Lafayette’s chiseled feature, radiating a mystical and ethereal aura. With the cool wind biting at your flushed cheeks, you gazed into the eyes of the object of your affections, longing to pull him in and kiss him senseless. The way he made you forget your current situation so easily and quickly was certainly something to behold and next thing you knew, you were leaning in. Feeling his warm breath disperse on your cheeks, you knew you couldn’t wait any longer. Your lips met in a flurry of wonderful release and passion, him placing his hands on your cheeks, holding you close. You swear he could hear your rapid heartbeat as the two of you parted, gasping as if you had just run a marathon. “Just look at me.”
