#handlerari would be so protective of alex



another amazing dynamic: whumpee and their whumper being captured together by a third party.

are they forced to work together to escape? does one take out their anger on the other? do the captors know of their history and pit them against each other?

this, I love this. so many options.

does whumpee cling to whumper because better the devil you know? how do they feel about seeing someone who had so much power over them rendered powerless? is it satisfying? disturbing? both?

do they laugh at them finally getting their comeuppance, even if whumpee is also still in trouble? do they join in? offer suggestions? tell the new captor about some of old whumper’s dirty little secrets?

what about whumper? are they fucking pissed that Their whumpee is seeing them lose all power and dignity? or is whumpee the best possible cell mate because whumper cannot see them as threatening?

do they try to maintain the old power dynamic, using fear and pain to keep whumpee beneath them? or do they expect whumpee to work with them now they’re both in the same boat?

will whumpee put their grudge aside for the sake of maybe making it out of here? or do they think there’s no point because whumper will definitely betray them at the first opportunity? are they right? or do they hate whumper do much that they’ll sacrifice their own chances just to make sure whumper doesn’t get free? (spite its underrated. I like spite)

or does whumpee even care that much about escape? maybe the new captivity is so much better than their time with whumper that they’re okay with being here. maybe it doesn’t seem so bad purely by comparison. how do the new captors feel about that? pleased? disturbed? indifferent?

basically I love this a lot. outside context! role flips! upheavals in the power dynamics!
