#hank mccoy


Beast/Hank Mccoy Fluff Alphabet

A-Attention:. Hank was having one of his lectures when Charles was showing you around. You had a small interest in the science field but nothing crazy. It wasn’t until lunch you bumped into him. He bashfully asked if you wanted to eat with him and maybe he can give you the run down on campus.

B-Best Feature: He likes your calm personality, you almost never get rallied without a good reason. He wishes he could be more like that but it’s hard when a sneeze turns you into a beast.

C-Cuddles: He tends to get very hot very easy but when those winter nights come along your at his side snuggling the warmth. He needs no blanket and he’s like a perfect heated blanket.

D-Dates: He likes having small lunch dates with you when he is in between lesson planning and lessons. They maybe short or not so interesting but this is him making an effort.

E-Entertainment: A good oldies film every now and again makes for some pass time. If it’s not that he talks to you about projects he’s done or projects he plans to do to run it by you.

F-Family: He most definitely want a couple kids. Not at the moment. He wants to work on his confidence so when those kids come out like him they have all the support in the world.

G-Grumpy: It was about him being away a lot. It almost seemed like he was cheating. You knew it couldn’t be true but worried minds lead astray. He had tried to be logical but he already went full beast and was angry about the accusations.

H-Holiday: He doesn’t like to go out very often but if he had to anywhere it would be aircraft museum. He use to work with them at one time. It reminds him of the good ole days but he then he would go where you’d like to go next.

I-Introduction: His parents were first and they were relieved that he found anybody especially you. They were worried about you leaving him because of his look. When he met your family it took a little more adjustment.

J-Jealous: He gets pretty jealous and even though he says his not the bright blue patch a fur says otherwise. It obvious for everyone that he’s jealous no matter how well he has worked on his emotions.

K-Kisses: He likes slow tender ones. Sometimes they are rare but he tries to savour them when they happen.

L-Love: You said it first which surprised him. He’s a bit shy admitting this stuff. More a shower then a sayer. It wasn’t heat of the moment but more casual.

M-Make up: You two eventually make up but it’s more subtle. He comes around and apologies first for him losing his cool and you tenderly kiss him and apologize back.

N-Night In: Sleep usually. It’s hard being around a bunch of people mostly younger than you. Anytime you two can catch some extra zzzz it’s going to happen.

O-Obsessed: Hank is. He makes sure to call you every chance he can and if it’s not calling it’s casually popping in to see you. Sometimes writing you love notes along the way.

P-Perfect: You knew he was perfect when he would act like a true gentleman around you and his friends. He showed himself entirely and left no secrets to himself.

Q-Quirks: Double sneezes. When ever he sneezes he sneezes twice or thrice in a row. It’s weird but he can’t figure out why he does that.

R-Restless: A nice big cup of tea help him calm down. It actually sets his mood a bit better than before. He needs utter silence while he drinks tea to just be there.

S-Song: Hank: Animal- Maroon 5

You: Fly me to The moon - Frank Sinatra

T-Trickster: None of you. Sometimes theres puns about science from him but no tricks around here.

U-Underestimated: He underestimated you when you told him you loved him. He thought you pitied him but as months/ years went by he started to believe you.

V-Viscous: When people dismiss him or reject his ideas. He wants to be heard and will roar until heard.

W-Weakness: He leaves a flower in your bed when he has to go to work early. Not as a placement of him it just to show you he’s thinking of you.

X-XRandom: He leaves random notes for you to find.

Y-Yielding: You just didn’t know him until then.

Z-Zealous: Things he is passionate about is mutant rights because every mutant even ones that look like him needs rights.
