#hannah rants


why is the hardest part about reading actually sitting down and doing it lol

✎ our little lemon’s room is ready for their arrival—any day now!!

since being pregnant and deciding not to find out the gender until the baby arrives, I’ve realized how many people struggle with gender neutral pronouns like… the amount of people who say ‘he/she’ or 'the baby’ or even 'it’???? like you could save so much time by just using 'they’ but oookay lmao

and don’t even get me started on the amount of times I’ve been asked if I’m having twins because I refer to the baby as 'them’. I understand the confusion coming from strangers/acquaintances but even family members ask, as if I wouldn’t announce that I was gonna have twins

and then there’s the baby clothes. “it’s so hard to find gender neutral clothes!” as if boys can’t wear pink and girls can’t wear blue. these gender norms have people in a CHOKEHOLD lmao
