#hannibal season 3 spoilers




thinking about that one twotl reel where you can see hugh semi-aggressively move mads’ hand up his waist and into frame like “show them you are GrAbBiNg me damnit. that you WANT ME. needme.” you cannot tell me they wouldn’t have kissed passionately and with tongue if asked you cannot convince me otherwise. they were already thinking it


Fellas is it gay to turn yourself into the police cuz your boyfriend broke up with you and you want him to know exactly where to find you when he inevitably misses you?


just remembered hannibal lecter, intelligent psychopath who likes to eat people just for fun, genuinely fell in love with One patient covered in dog hair and liked him so much and wanted to be with him so badly he ruined his whole life just for the off chance will might come back for him. the monster’s downfall was love and love alone. the one thing he didn’t see coming. how is this show real
