#hansol scenarios



Hello!! So it’s my first time requesting on this blog I think and I was wondering if you could write a fluffy but also smutty scenario with Vernon or Seungkwan and y/n? Somewhat casual and romantic at first, like Valentine’s, or a double date with one of the members and then ya know I’m sorry if this was confusing or I didn’t explain it well. . But I also wanted to thank you guys for all the amazing things you’ve written! ! I’ve very excited to read your future stories!! You’re the best!!!♡ 

» Smut.

» A double date with Joshua and his date ends with you and Vernon hardly being able to wait to be alone.

»There’s a lot of Seungkwan requests so I went for Vernon with this one 

» If you’re using the tumblr app and can’t see the scenario, which is under a “keep reading”, please try opening the post in your phone’s internet browser (or a computer)!

» 2,241 words

After two weeks of talking about it, you and Vernon were finally having a double date with your mutual friend Joshua and his significant other. You had been laughing Joshua’s suggestions for a double date off for a good while until Vernon had, one evening, suddenly said that he’d been thinking about it a lot and it sounded fun.

And so, a few weeks later there you were, having dinner at your place, mostly because Joshua reallywanted to bring a bottle of wine, and you and Vernon were always up for a more laid back time at home, too.

Once all four of you had eaten and were mainly conversing and enjoying some wine, Joshua grinned, eyeing the way you were absent-mindedly moving your pinky finger over Vernon’s on the table.

“You guys probably get this a lot, but,” Joshua began, and you and Vernon both blinked as you turned to look at him, “you guys really match each other verywell.”

His date chuckled and nodded. “I’ve been thinking the same.”

Your cheeks heated up a little as you moved your hand properly over Vernon’s and squeezed it a little. “I don’t know about that, but I guess there isa reason we’ve been together for two years now.”

Almosttwo years, the anniversary isn’t until next week,” Vernon noted meaningfully and grinned at you when you shot him a glare that turned into a wide smile.

“A week here or there,” you hummed, your heart fluttering a little at the thought of your second anniversary that was nearing, and got a grin and a nod from your boyfriend.

Joshua snorted at the two of you and took a sip of his wine. “How are you guys going to celebrate it?”

You thought about what the two of you had been talking about, and remembering some slightly more rateddetails, you moved your gaze from Joshua to your wine glass.

He did notneed to know about the special lingerie set and props the two of you had waiting for that day.

“You know, good food and enjoying each other’s company, the usual,” Vernon said, one corner of his mouth tugging upwards as he recalled the same things you did, and you chuckled.

Joshua merely smiled, catching the look you and Vernon shared, but didn’t mention it. “Sometimes the usual is the best.”

He was right.

The four of you soon moved on to dessert, but you found yourself increasingly distracted. Even with the tiramisu melting on your tongue, all you could do was think about how handsome Vernon was looking, and since he had a habit of holding his hand on your thigh - like he did currently - and after thinking about your anniversary plans, your thoughts were getting more and more uncontrollable.

And perhaps the wine was doing its little thing, too, as you couldn’t wait to kick Joshua and his partner out and enjoy your time alone with Vernon.

Judging by the way he was bouncing his leg with his hand absent-mindedly sliding higher on your thigh and him clearly feigning interest in something that Joshua was saying, you concluded that you weren’t the only one.

“It’s getting a bit late and I’ve got an early morning,” you said after a while, your breath hitching a bit as Vernon’s hand traveled thathigh on your thigh, and it was with a grin that Vernon pulled his hand away.

Joshua blinked and nodded, slightly surprised as he was sureyou had said you had the next day off, but he didn’t say anything, and some minutes later you were ushering him and his partner out with a bright smile while Vernon started doing the dishes.

“Well this was a lot of fun, we should absolutely do this again sometime! Get home safely and see you soon,” you said, speaking noticeably faster than usual, and let out a relieved sigh after you had closed the door after the guests, who you could hear laughing behind the door right after.

Vernon was grinning from ear to ear while doing the dishes, and you were smiling a little, too, as you began walking up to him, taking in just how broad he looked with the black dress shirt tucked into his black jeans. The sight made you feel several things, and you found yourself getting excited.

“Finally alone, huh?” he asked with a small chuckle, and you hummed while wrapping your arms around him, pressing your body against his and placing your lips on the back of his neck. He stiffened for a while, the way your lips felt against his skin sending strong tingles down his spine.

Finally,” you agreed, and while Vernon hurried to wash the last dishes, you slowly slid your hand down his body, caressing him everywhere you could as you went, and unbuckled his belt and opening his jeans, all the while kissing his neck, occasionally sucking on it a little, too, leaving behind some small marks.

To say Vernon was relieved when you pushed his jeans down a little would’ve been an understatement, as they had grown uncomfortably tight with your hands moving across his chest, stomach and crotch, and all he could do was close his eyes when he felt your hand pressing against his half-hard cock through his boxers.

“Is this okay?” you asked quietly, moving your lips closer to Vernon’s ear, and he nodded while licking his lips slowly, putting the sponge down at last before drying his hands.

Muchmore than okay,” he said, his voice a bit lower than usual, and turned around, placing his hands on your hips.

“Good,” you grinned and got one hand on the back of his head before pulling him down for a deep, passionate kiss, and began opening the buttons of his shirt when you felt him taking a bit more charge with the kiss, his lips almost demanding against yours and his fingers digging into your hips a little.

With the black dress shirt open, you brought your hands to Vernon’s shoulders and felt up the muscles, which alone had the heat building up in the pit of your stomach. He grinned against your lips and wasted no time unbuttoning your loose, almost satin-like dress shirt, too, and you could hearhis breath hitching, which added a sense of confidence to you.

“You look great,” he breathed, and you grinned cockily while bringing a hand to his hair.

“Tell me more,” you said, and he chuckled quietly. Soon he got his hands on the backs of your thighs and lifted you up, at which you yelped, and giggled to yourself when he put you down on the counter. “That was nice.”

“Uhhuh,” he nodded and leaned in to kiss you passionately, one of his hands on your waist under your shirt, slowly moving higher to touch your breast through your bra, while the other he slid ever-so-slowly higher on your thigh and under the skirt you had on.

Kissing him back with hunger, you pushed his boxers down enough to be able to wrap your hand around his cock, and it was at the same time that he moved his thumb on your pussy through your panties, which had you moaning against his lips. He, too, grunted quietly as you ran your thumb over the head of his cock, spreading the bead of pre-cum around, and it was with a small grin that you noticed his breathing grow shakier.

“Someone’s sensitive today,” you whispered after breaking away from the kiss, and took a steadier hold of his length while leaning into his ear. “You want me thatbad?”

Your breath on his ear gave Vernon goosebumps, and all he could do was swallow and nod. “You should know by now that I can’t resist you.”

There was something about how matter-of-factly he said the words that had you snorting and lowering your head into his shoulder as you held back your laughter. Vernon merely grinned, and you felt him press a light kiss to the side of your head, a mere second before pushing your panties aside and running his finger lightly over your sensitive clit before moving lower until he could gently start spreading your anticipation around.

“Ah,” you breathed, your hips bucking a little on their own accord, and held onto Vernon’s shoulder with one hand while hiding your face in the other and using your free hand to stroke him steadily.

Vernon licked his lips; knowing that you were feeling good and wanted him just as much as he wanted you turned him on more than one would imagine, and some open-mouthed kisses on your neck later he was fingering you slowly, which had your fingers digging into his shoulder and quiet moans slipping from your lips as you tried to get him closer.

As you both were driven more and more aroused and eventually locked your lips again in a series of passionate kisses, you eventually had to stop it, as much as you enjoyed it.

Panting a little, you pushed Vernon away with a hand on his chest. “Let’s move to the couch.”

He raised his eyebrows, but was quick to withdraw his fingers from you and suck them clean while you hopped off the counter and, with your legs quivering the slightest bit from how incredibly turned on and soakedyou were, led him to the couch, where he sat down and quickly got rid of his pants and boxers, after which he reached for a box you kept behind a plant on a small table in order to get a condom.

Vernon looked at you completely mesmerized as you swung your hips and let your skirt fall down to the floor, leaving you in your underwear and the shirt you didn’t feel like taking off. Slowly and with your hips swaying sensually from side to side, you walked up to him and sat astride on his lap, bringing both of your hands to either side of his neck.

“Holyshit, Y/N…” he whispered, pre-cum running down his cock as he moved his appreciative gaze up and down you.

Grinning, you took the condom from him and opened it carefully before putting it on him slowly, with your eyes locked with his.

“This is nothing,” you said quietly, a hint of playfulness in your voice, and lifted your hips and guided his cock to your entrance. With your eyes locked with his, you slowly sunk down, biting down on your lower lip as you did so. Once all the way down, you let out a moan that had Vernon swallowing hard, and you rocked your hips back and forth a little, beyond blissful at the feeling of finally being fullwith him.

“Finally,” you said quietly and leaned in for a kiss while Vernon’s hands found a good place on your hips, from where he guided you a little as you rode him with your tongues dancing together.

You smiled against his lips, and Vernon could feelit, and smiled, too, raising his eyebrows when you pulled away and he could see you grinning from ear to ear, all the while rocking your hips on him in a way that made breathing that much more difficult for him. “What?”

“I just,” you grinned and got a hand to his hair to play with his dark locks, and moaned quietly when you moved your hips so that he hit a particularly good spot inside of you, “I love you.”

Grinning back at you, Vernon whispered the same three words back to you, and with that he took a good hold of you and got you to lie down on the couch with him on top. Once you had instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, your lips connected to his in a passionate, deep kiss, Vernon began steady, smooth thrusts, each of which seemed to hit a better spot inside of you, which had your toes curling and your moans being muffled by his lips.

“Vernon,” you whispered against his lips and held onto him better, a series of moans slipping from your lips with every delicious thrust of his, your mind nearly going blank at the pleasure you were feeling. “I’m s-so close.”

Grunting, Vernon began moving his hips a bit faster and angled his thrusts in a new way, and as you brought one of your hands down to rub your clit while he fucked you, you were soon thrown over the edge, your vision being painted white at your climax.

Not much later Vernon was groaning as he released into the condom, the feeling of your pussy hugging his cock so tightly being the last straw and making him come. Panting, he lay down on top of you and kissed your neck sloppily.

As your orgasm began fading away slowly, you opened your eyes and looked at Vernon, amused, as he slowly lifted his face, his cheeks flushed and eyes glassy. “That was amazing.”

“It always is,” he smiled and leaned in for a slow, sweet kiss, during which he pulled out of you and ran his hand gently on your side. “I always feel good with you.”

“Save some of the sappiness for the anniversary,” you grinned, your cheeks heating up some more in addition to them already being warm for various reasons. “But me too.”

Admin Scooter
