#happiest day au


I swear once these 7 comic pages are finished it’s fucking over with y'all, bc we can actually start updating again once those are done

There’s obviously way too many more yet to come but that’s the threshhold of the ~30 pages that we wanted to finish up so we have backup for more updates to bridge time inbetween (I am going to die rendering the rest of our sketches given how much needless detail I put into this comic so far, but it’ll be so fucking worth it man)

lowkey can’t believe we’ve been working on this au for almost 3 whole ass years now… we have 13 pages fully rendered now (16 if you count a really long one that will need to be split into 3 on other platforms) and sketches for 45 more :’D

I’ll be honest, there are times where I’m afraid that my fluctuating interest in this franchise and my uncontrollable bouts of selective focus won’t allow me to take this story where we want it to go, that it will continue to slow to a crawl until it eventually ceases going anywhere altogether…

I have good hope though. I’m still uninterested in fnaf as a whole atm (SB sucked ass and the novels don’t interest me), but my burning passion for this AU story and my frustration with it not being where I want it to yet have given me a boost again lately, and maybe that will be enough to keep the gears turning until it’s finished.

It might take twice as long as we had initially planned for it to, but we have help, people who support us, each other, and all the time in the world.

Maybe releasing it so late with the fandom dwindling will end up in it catching barely any interest, maybe people will hate our interpretation of the characters, but maybe it’s worth just knowing, in the end, that we stuck through it and have accomplished something greater than either of us has ever thought possible.

And hey, I have the most boring pages to render out behind me now! I swear, there’s only so many times you can draw Springtrap slouching in the exact same sitting position in various angles before it drives you insane and I’ve finally gotten to a point where the upcoming pages are less of that :‘DDD
