#happy anniversary mali and thank you for mentioning me




Sept / Oct it’ll be my 9 year tumblr anniversary (i know ) as well as my 2 year ALICE anniversary, so I decided to make a small post abt it.

I started out on here in 2012 posting content for infinite and exo and have been thru quite a few fandoms lol. During that time, tumblr has been a creative outlet, an outlet for my thoughts as well as a community of friends

Thank u to everyone for what you have been for me: old friends, new friends, cc’s, blogs i like, blogs that like me there may come a time when we don’t remember each other’s names or urls anymore, but the fact that we once accompanied and supported each other for a time during our lives is still something to be thankful for, even if the ‘support’ was smth as small as liking a post lol

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