#happy casting


Hello everyone!

I know, I know. I owe some sort of explanation.

If you saw my last post, you’ll have found out that the past few months have been a huge time of transition for me. It’s been weeks upon weeks of packing, planning, bureaucracy, and emotional work.

What? I’ve moved - to Italy! For a frame of reference, that is completely across the world from where I used to live; good  ol’ Canada.

Why?Well, Italy currently has a rich Strega population, not to mention the folk traditions that lay in these mountains. Culturally, it’s an incredible well of resources for the modern witch and for anyone looking to expand their craft. By pure coincidence, outside of witchcraft, I’m incredibly fortunate to have been given the opportunity to move here. Obviously, I said yes. Not quite in a heartbeat - I’m sad to leave behind Canada and all the roots I put down there. But it’s the start of a new adventure here.

But what does that mean for this blog? As of right now, I couldn’t tell you. I mean, it doesn’t take much to see that this blog has largely been abandoned. I’ve been taking questions every once and a while, popping back online every couple days to answer private asks that are sent to me.

But as for the future?  I’ll be here. I might pop in. I might answer a question or two, privately. But I can no longer place the expectations on myself that I used to. They are too much, and I no longer have the time or energy to juggle them all.  The commitments that I now have here in Italy, both physical and spiritual commitments, are too many to consistently update the blog to a level that I feel it deserves - that you deserve.


Will this blog ever come back?Absolutely. 


This is an incredibly huge adventure for me. And I thank each and every one of you who have stuck with me the past 5 years - has it been that long, really?!? 

As a matter of fact, yes. It’s been over 5 years to the day that I started this blog.  

  • To the tens of thousands of you that spent so much time reading the words I had to say: thank you. 
  • To the people who sent hundreds of messages a day: thank you. 
  • To the followers who were here since August 2nd 2010: thank you. 
  • To the followers who have been here since August 8th, 2015: thank you.

My words can’t begin to tell you. “My cup runneth over” as they say, and my eyes are filling with tears, my throat goes dry, as I write this. 

But it’s not over, not yet. We still have so much growing to do - myself included. I suppose we’ll all see each other, sometime soon, when things have calmed down for me and when people need this blog once more. 

Thank you.

For all you’ve done, 

for all you’ve taught me, 

and for all you continue to do.

- Olivia.
