#happy feels





Me, watching my mutuals speak other languages, not understanding a single word: fucking superb you funky little bilinguals

אני אוהב אותך!!!

Me, sobbing:fucfink sup erbb,

I just wanna say thank you! 

I’m so happy to know that there are people that enjoy my work (´;ω;`) It’s super lonely being a freelancer, but when I get a nice message, likes, reblogs, or anything that shows me there’s someone out there LOL. It really motivates me to keep on creating!

okay peace, back to pooping and drawing

theofaron:@marbienl13 requested some sleeby witchers, Aiden’s so long he doesn’t fit on a lot of bed


@marbienl13 requested some sleeby witchers, Aiden’s so long he doesn’t fit on a lot of beds he shares with Lambert

Oh wow, you’ve got me smiling here! This is so adorable! Sleeping pile and they look so content. Definitely not going anywhere anytime soon, nope - way too comfortable.

Ah, the troubles of a tall person trying to sleep in a tiny bed. He’s gotta make do! <3

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