#happy fic writer appreciation day friends




August 21st is Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day 

Let’s be honest - we all forget to leave a comment sometimes. We don’t always go out of our way to click the “come talk to me on tumblr” link on AO3 to scream about the fic in the author’s inbox. On August 21st I encourage you to take a moment and show fanfic writers that you appreciate them!

How can you do it?

  • leave a comment and kudos on every fic you finish reading. Doesn’t matter how short. Doesn’t matter if you’re just repeating what other people have already said. Just be kind! Keysmashing, Caps Lock, and live commenting appreciated! (Bonus points if you leave a comment on every chapter)
  • reblog ficlets, drabbles, fics, fic rec posts, etc. Put a nice comment in the tags. Remember that likes, while appreciated, don’t give the writer any exposure, meaning the posts don’t reach more people
  • go to your local fanfic writer’s inbox and talk to them about their fic of your choice. Let them know how long ago you’ve read it and what story point/sentence/scene still makes you smile when you think about it
  • send thank you messages to fic writers. In a world where you have to pay for almost everything, they’re supplying you with countless hours of free entertainment. It can get quite lonely without getting messages acknowledging the hours they spend writing stories - let them know their time and effort is appreciated
  • make fic rec posts and @ the authors whose fics you’re recommending! (believe me, fic writers love to see their stories in these posts)
  • create something inspired by a fic! You can draw fanart, make a moodboard or aesthetic post, or even write a song for the fic you love. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro doesn’t matter - the thought alone is what counts more than anything <3
  • buy the writer a coffee if they have a ko-fi page and you have some change lying around c: Caffeine keeps most fic writers awake when they struggle with a particularly slow draft or a difficult scene. More coffee, more content.

These are only some ideas out of the sea of possible ways to appreciate fanfic writers. On August 21st show the writers in your fandom(s) some love <3

And if you’re a writer…

remember to celebrate your own works as well!

  • reblog those fics of yours. Heck yeah, let people see them again! Sometimes a fic gets buried under all the new content real fast and you might feel too guilty or shy to self-reblog it again. I’m telling you now: do it <3
  • talk about the favourite fics you’ve written. What inspired you? What were you trying to convey? Think a DVD commentary of your own fic (see fic example here. More examples hereandhere.)
  • reblog fic-related question games and encourage your followers/readers to participate! Here are some that I’ve found: one|two|three
  • most importantly, take some time to appreciate how far you’ve come as a writer. Go through your stories, the old and the new. Rediscover the things you enjoy in them, notice the strength and flow and beauty in your words. You did that, you smart cookie, you; don’t hesitate to feel proud c:

See you on August 21st!
