#harada masatoshi

Imaginem que eu tinha tempo para ser doujinka..

Imaginem que eu tinha tempo para ser doujinka..

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⤞ masamei • 1.9k+ • gen • complete
⤞ post-canon • established relationship
⤞ short & sweet holiday fluff
⤞ kisetsu zine piece

Mei’s expression is serene as he leans forward, lips parting to blow hot breath onto the frosted glass. It clouds his view of the outside, but that doesn’t seem to matter much, not when he reaches up and draws something into the fog on the window, and if Harada knows Mei like he thinks he does—it must be a heart or some form of their initials.

He just breathes that kind of romance; he always has.

[ Masa-san comes home for Christmas. ]

