#harrison fan photos

George Harrison (and, in photo 2, Mal Evans) in fan photos from 1969.“What annoys us is that people George Harrison (and, in photo 2, Mal Evans) in fan photos from 1969.“What annoys us is that people

George Harrison (and, in photo 2, Mal Evans) in fan photos from 1969.

“What annoys us is that people treat us [The Beatles] sometimes as if we are just things and not human beings.” - George Harrison, Rave, June 1964

“George Harrison is the reluctant Beatle. He did not expect fame. When it came, he was bewildered.” - Melody Maker, 7 November 1964

George Harrison: “[The fans have] all got this idea that we’re something else.”
Leslie S. (fan): “Good or bad?”
GH: “I don’t know… whatever it is, they don’t see us as what we are, which is people.” - conversation with a fan taped at Kinfauns, 1967

Q: “How did taking LSD affect you?”
George Harrison: “It was like opening the door, really, and before, you didn’t even know there was a door there. It just opened up this whole other consciousness […].”
Q: “Did it make you feel that your life could be very different from what it was?”
GH: “Yeah, but that presented a problem as well, because then the feeling began in me of, well, it’s all well and good being popular and being in demand but, you know, it’s ridiculous, really. I think from then on I didn’t enjoy fame. That’s when the novelty disappeared, around 1966, and then it became hard work. […] I mean, [LSD] has a humbling power, that stuff. And the ego — to be able to deal with these people thinking you were some wonderful thing — it was difficult to come to terms with. I was feeling, you know, like nothing.” - Rolling Stone, 5 November 1987 (x)

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