#harrow the ninth

just 4.75 Queens duking it out in the ruins of God’s houseI put Ianthe in pants, painting one fancy

just 4.75 Queens duking it out in the ruins of God’s house

I put Ianthe in pants, painting one fancy dress was hard enough lol

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Let It Happen aka stressedHarrow(47). pngHarrow bb I’m so sorry, I’ll draw you having a good time so

Let It Happen 

aka stressedHarrow(47). png
Harrow bb I’m so sorry, I’ll draw you having a good time someday.

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 You are my only friend. I am undone without you. like… ouch, hurt my own feelings with this

You are my only friend. I am undone without you.

like… ouch, hurt my own feelings with this one lol

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I was doodling capes/robes and it got out of hand. Still trying to find a one that says “classy thot

I was doodling capes/robes and it got out of hand. 
Still trying to find a one that says “classy thot” but also “unhinged”

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Pyrrha Dve portrait practice time

Pyrrha Dve portrait practice time

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The Locked Tomb photoshoot #3, Harrow learns about food edition (find part 2 hereand part 1 featuring Gideon here)

[ID: five photographs of a smallish white person cosplaying Harrowhark Nonagesimus. She is wearing full black-and-white skull makeup with some fake blood around the nostrils and the corner of her mouth, a choker of finger bones around her neck and a long bone necklace. The outfit is mostly black, consisting of wide bell sleeves, a top with a realistic ribcage printed on, a black velvet hood with floorlength cape and a long ruffled skirt. Her hair is very short, black and partly covered by a black veil. Pic 1 to 3 show her in an industrial stainless steel kitchen in front of a huge pot holding an equally big soup ladle and a red cookbook. The last two pictures show her in a cooler with produce in the stainless steel shelves behind her. She is holding two honey melons at chest height and eyeing them with critical interest. In the last picture she’s holding a sizeable carrot instead, staring at it with concern. End ID]

When you’re peacefully listening to your dark fantasy sci-fi audiobook and it hits you with the ever-classic “none pizza left beef” reference


Just turn around


Handmade Gold & Bone Spine Filigree Back Piece by AconiteCreations. Available here

“The other two were young women, both blond, though the similarity ended there: one girl was statues

“The other two were young women, both blond, though the similarity ended there: one girl was statuesque, with a star-white grin and masses of bright gold curls. … It was as though the second girl were the starved shadow of the first, or the first an illuminated reflection.”

If you haven’t read Gideon the Ninth by @tazmuir I highly recommend it! I finished it a couple days ago and am entirely taken by all of her characters.

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sneak prev of a griddlehark comic up on my patreon rn >:)sneak prev of a griddlehark comic up on my patreon rn >:)

sneak prev of a griddlehark comic up on my patreon rn >:)

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harrow and ianthe my friend and I as face reference cause we have cosplay plansharrow and ianthe my friend and I as face reference cause we have cosplay plans

harrow and ianthe 

my friend and I as face reference cause we have cosplay plans

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Harrow the Ninth Sentence Starters

“ [X], please don’t be in such a hurry to die.”
“You came to warn me? You came to warn me /now/?”
“[X], No one is coming to save you. Not God. Not [A]. Nobody.”
“Dying is for suckers.”
“Let them /weep/ to speak of us.”
“Forgive me… And give it hell, children.”
“Hell spat you/me back out. Fair enough.”
“Surprise me. My body is ready.”
“You see, I am insane.”
“You were a walking sacrament.”
“You’ve thrown up again, [X].”
“I am nothing. I am pointless, I am unmanned.”
“And even I can admit that your eyelashes are delicious.”
“Before you do anything I am quick to reassure you that you will regret: I have a message for you.”
““Your only settings were power-vomit andmurder.”
“You, yourself never had power over anyone else, but you misused it violently.”
“I will not suckle at your bootheel.”
“You are trying to start a fight with me to get out of the fight I am trying to have with you, which is a painfully domestic tactic.”
You’re the one who investigated my tonsils.”
“Oh, no, the lava.”
Stop xem, xe’s using theorems!!”
“Already, you are being too loud.”
“You never did possess an imagination.”
“I can’t kiss you back. My lipstick’s perfect and I refuse to smear it.”
“The infants are awake.”
“Inever got a what-for in school.”
“Your indefatigability in the face of ancient death becomes you.”
Ihave never been good at attracting indulgent fathers.”
“I made it. It’s vile.”
“Tonight, I am afraid to die.”
“I am afraid of myself. I am afraid of going mad.”
“Ah! Finally, my biographer!.”
“Get out of my way, you miserable ass.”
“You have rendered yourself unlovable, [X].”
“If they’re opinion isn’t worth a fart in a hurricane, try to imagine how much less I value yours.”
“My teeth are extremely white and I brush assidiously, so I see no problem showing them off.”
““Do you ever wake up and think to yourself, When did [X] become this grovelling slime?”
“God help us both, because we are surrounded by wolves.”
“I hadn’t thought to scare the living wee out of them with, They’ll eat you alive, starting with your feet.”
“I’ve always hated you, you dreary, repetitive leg.”
“[Xe’s] you’re responsibility, not your punching bag.”
“[X],who did you bury?”
“Eat up, there’s nothing to you.”
“You knew the whole time that [Z] died at their command.”
“God is a dickhead.”
“Let me give you a list of my favourite meals so that you can get them interestingly wrong.”
“I can’t live this way. I cannot live this way. I have nowhere to go. I have nobody to turn to. I am a nonsense.”
“[X], when was the last time you slept?”
“How I crave your honeyed words.” 
“I still get an erotic charge from snakes, sorry to say.”
“I can’t tell if you’re a once-in-a-lifetime genius, an insane imbecile, or both.”
Youbrood over everything. You read unholy omens in the way people say good morning.”
“Relax. I haven’t invited you to an orgy, [X].”
“I once watched that man fight a city. The city didn’t win.”
“That was never three glasses of wine.”
“Let me introduce you to the special world of companionship - I will reveal everything you do, contradict you at every turn, and hold back your hair in the morning.”
“An absolute bombshell. Though maybe not quite such a bombshell as your mother.”
“Old people should be shot.”
“You know, for… sex reasons.”
Your understanding of flesh and spirit magic is execrable.”
“How God takes - and takes - and takes.”
“You speak in riddles, old man.”
“I could not get drunk on it if I tried. And how I have tried.”
“It is dreadful t be shown a monster’s pity.”
“Ihated the sexy parties.”
“That’s a muffin.”
“I merely want to put you in jail.”
“What would I know, I’m only God.”
“I would like to remind you, infant, that I also hated you on sight.”
”You were party to a tragedy based on a misunderstanding.”
“Why do you care if I suffer?”
“I am hugely bored of hearing all my flaws.”
“Time to absolutely fuck you up.”
“Someday, I’ll marry that person. It might be good for [xem]. Probably not, though.”
“I acknowledge myself as a cruel disappointment.”
“I hope [xe] gets boiled alive in oil. I hope [xe] falls into a hole with a crowd watching. I hope someone takes a large pair of secateurs to the muscles at the backs of their heels… I would buy tickets.”
“You stand like a damn fishhook.”
“Excuse [xem], please, [se] sucks.”
“They did not legitimately try to give us mumps. My little brother gave us mumps.”
“Forget the ferns.”
“Pool of blood: check. Air so hot: check. Surrounded by big and illicit bones: check.”
“Fuck. Fuck. Oh, shit. Oh, fucking hell. Help. Yuck. Aaaargh.”
“Goddamn it, I told you to lift weights.”
“Hell of a party trick, [X], I mean, damn.”
“You could always leave everything else behind, but you never got rid of being so absolutely fucking goddamn sad.”
I’m very obviously attracted to y- no, damn it, this is just sad. This is garbage.”
“I was weak. I was always weak, [X].”
“I was, and am, a grown person, and you both were neglected children.”
“I don’t know how you dealt with these unbelievably old bastards.”
“{Xe] can’t help being so fantastically, dorkily noble.”
“I am sick of roses, and I am horny for revenge.
“Do you want your ass kicked now, or do you want your ass kicked later, or both?”
“I did it for ultimate power - and posters of my face.”
“You’ve got two short minutes left before I punch you right in the butthole.”
“Why, your fist is so big, and my butthole is so small.”
“You hating me meant more than anyone else in this hot, stupid universe loving me.”
“[X], if you persist in making jack-off motions when I am talking, I will show you what your kidneys look like.”
“What can I say? I love a little gall on gall.”
“Ah, the romance I have been awaiting all my life. [Z] always said it would come along… or at least, [xe] once said I would go to hell and get fucked.”
I might lie down and see if this fixes itself.”
“Fancy footwork, shitbird.”
“But I still don’t know why I’m talking in meter.”
“Chickenshits don’t get beer.”
“I’m so sorry, [X]. I wish it were different.  I am so tremendously sorry.”
“Oops! It’s me again, never doing what I’m told.”
“I can’t believe you feel like you’re in position to demand things of me.”
“There is no such thing as forgiveness. There’s only bloody truth, and blessed ignorance.”
“Go to hell, Ma/Pops.”
“Not yet.”

they held each other like children who’d had a nightmare and had woken in a fright
