#harry and rainbows



full flags video (via my bff who texted it to me and gave me permission to share)

We are just a few hours away from witnessing a historic moment that will mark not only Britney’s career, but also the History of Pop Culture as a whole.

What started out as “a conspiracy theory” is now stamped on Britney’s t-shirt, in a plea for her own freedom. #FreeBritney

Remember, we don’t have to thank the California Court when they release Britney from that conservatorship. She wouldn’t even be in it if they’d worked with honesty from the start.

This one battle may be over, but this war has just beggun. Now, Britney, who has been treated as a slave for 13 years, with her choices being made by other people, her body VIOLATED with the help of supposed DOCTORS, and having her fortune misappropriated, will fight against her own FAMILY, and against every one involved. And we will be here, by her side.
If 2 years ago fans were threatened and prosecuted for saying that Britney was being coerced and held against her will, while we pointed out who the justice should really held, today the game has turned and these people can no longer shut us up, nor shut up Britney.

Now, for the anonymous people in conservatorships, that feel mistreated in their cases, and who would never have the visibility that a worldwild superstar has, good luck! Some things may change for you from now on. Stay strong.

stylesnews:Harry making us the proudest we could ever be.


Harry making us the proudest we could ever be.

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stylesnews: Harry with the pride flag during LNT at the Summertime Ball - 12/06stylesnews: Harry with the pride flag during LNT at the Summertime Ball - 12/06stylesnews: Harry with the pride flag during LNT at the Summertime Ball - 12/06


Harry with the pride flag during LNT at the Summertime Ball - 12/06

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Harry with a pride flag at the Summertime Ball - 12/06
