#harry edward styles


Harry lying: aaaaahmm…………….i mean…aaa……..aa…..i think…..ahmmmm……i mean……………..yeah

Louis lying: obviously Honestly., obviously., just obviously., seriously, I mean genuinely., like obviously

Treat People With Kindness

- Lao Tzu

Tous les Mêmes

Know the masculine keep to the devine feminine

Congratulations to Harry and to “Watermelon Sugar”

If You Love Him - Harry Styles

This is based on the song If You Love Her by Forest Blakk

This song breaks my heart every time I listen to it, and I just thought of this idea. It honestly made me so sad to write and I really got in my feels, so I’m sorry beforehand if it’s too sad, but I’m actually really proud of it so I hope you enjoy<3 (Olivia Wilde appears in this, and it’s in no way meant negatively towards her) 

Summary: you have a hard time living without Harry, and when you find out he’s seeing someone else it breaks your heart and you write a song to his new lover

Warnings: none, it’s just sad:’(

Not my gif, so creds to the owner

You sat in front of the piano, fingers brushing the keys, just barely touching them. You’ve been crying all day it felt like, and now you just felt numb. You were absolutely drained of all your energy and you felt like you could fall asleep on the spot, but every time you tried closing your eyes, old memories flooded your brain a thousand miles per hour and prevented sleep from taking you with it.

You missed him, fuck you missed him so much. It was so hard just breathing without him and it felt like climbing a mountain just getting through one day without Harry beside you. You barely slept, just the thought of waking up and not seeing him in bed next to you, was enough to start a waterfall of tears streaming down your face. Every day you were in physical pain too, your stomach was in knots, your head was pounding from all the crying and your body had gotten so used to just laying in bed that your muscles had started hurting too from lack of use.

Every day was a hell to go through, but today had been the worst without a doubt. Nothing could ever compare to the feeling you’d felt when you’d checked Twitter that morning and saw rumors that Harry had found someone new. It had been all over the internet after a picture had been caught of him and someone else from the night before. Even though your brain had begged you to stop looking at the pictures and just turn off your phone, you’d spent the entire morning reading articles and fan theories. Eventually, it had hurt more than you could bear and you’d put down your phone and spent the rest of the day soaking your pillow from your unstoppable fountain of tears.

Now it was some time in the middle of the night, maybe around 3 a.m? You honestly didn’t know. You hadn’t touched your phone since you’d tossed it away earlier and you hadn’t moved from your bed until an hour ago when you’d made your way to the piano in your living room.

One time what felt like an eternity ago, Harry had found you absolutely devasted after you thought a heavy argument with one of your close friends had led to the end of your friendship, and he’d told you: “some times emotions are easier to feel if you express them through music” and he’d made you sit down on the same piano bench you were sitting on now, listening while you wrote a song about every emotion that you’d felt. You remembered how he’d been right, that the feelings had actually been more bearable after you’d sang the words. Maybe it would work that way this time too? Honestly, at this point, you were willing to try anything to minimize the painful aching in your chest.

You’d just been staring at the piano in front of you for the last hour though, no words coming to mind that could express exactly what you were feeling. You kept thinking of Harry with this new person: was he with her right now, lying next to her in bed? Were they cuddling? Did he pull her tight to his chest while his head rested atop of hers as he’d always done with you? Were they having deep pillow talks till far into the night, like the two of you used to? Did he touch her the way he’d touched you? Did her entire body ignite whenever he kissed her, as yours had always done?

You knew who she was, Olivia Wilde, the director of the movie Harry had worked so hard on the last couple of months. You remembered the day he’d come home, so excited that he’d gotten the role in the movie, and you’d been equally as excited for him and so fucking proud. Not once had you imagined that you’d be sitting here now, while Harry was starting a new relationship with her. Was she treating him right? You fucking hoped so. Even though you wanted to hate her with your entire being, you couldn’t seem to be mad at her. Maybe she was giving him what you couldn’t, maybe he was happier with her. God, he deserved to be sohappy.

Suddenly a thought formed in your head and the fingers that had only been lightly touching the piano keys now pressed down to make the instrument play out a soft melody.

Take it
If he gives you his heart
Don’t you break it

Your voice was weak as it escaped from your lips. You hadn’t spoken to a lot of people the past couple of weeks, having barely used your voice and you couldn’t even remember the last time you’d been singing. Losing Harry had made you shy away from your passion for music and writing, too many memories.

Let your arms be a place
He feels safe in
He’s the best thing that you’ll ever have

You kept going as the words formed in your head, directing the song to Harry’s new lover. Even though it brought you so much pain to see Harry with someone else, you were willing to let him go if she was for him what he needed. All you wanted was for him to be happy and complete, you wanted him to have the world and you’d never been able to give him that.

Memories started appearing in your head like flashbacks behind your closed eyelids. Memories that you and Harry had shared, memories that made you smile slightly even though it shattered your heart to know that you would never share moments like them with him again. While being with Harry, you were the happiest you’d ever been and maybe you were never gonna feel that again, but it was okay as long as he was happy.

He always has trouble
Falling asleep
And he likes to cuddle
While under the sheets

You’d spent many long nights next to Harry in bed, running your fingers through his hair and speaking softly to help him find sleep when it had been so hard for him. He’d always told you how there was no feeling that could compare to being curled up to you in bed, holding you so close to him that you could hear his heartbeat. The most peaceful moments you’d ever experienced with him were these intimate moments where you never wanted to move out of his embrace, praying that you could just stay in his arms forever.

Reality hit you now, that those moments were long gone, but you just wished with all your heart that she would hug him just the way he loved it and that she would be there for him during those sleepless nights he had when adrenaline wouldn’t stop running through his body after working too much, or whenever a storm of thoughts in his head was keeping him awake.

He loves Pop songs
And dancing, and bad trash TV

Harry’s taste in music had always been something else. It was so wide, almost every genre of music was presented on his playlist, but you remembered you’d been surprised when you found all the cliche pop songs on there. You knew, of course, that Harry had spent five years in a boyband, singing pop songs, but to you, he just hadn’t seemed like the type to listen to Ariana Grande and Katy Perry, but you’d been so wrong.

You couldn’t count how many romcoms and shitty reality shows you’d watched with Harry during your time together. He’d always found them very enjoyable, and you would be lying if you didn’t enjoy the times you’d been cuddled up to him on the couch while watching Love Island and discussing all the people you voted for and all the people you absolutely couldn’t stand with each other.

He loves love notes and babies
And likes giving gifts

A single tear escaped your eye and ran down your cheeks at the thought of all the love notes Harry had given you in the past. After you’d started dating, you’d worn his clothes so much, just because it smelled like him. His hoddies, shirts, sweatpants, jackets, you’d stolen it all from him, you’re excuse being that it was more comfortable than your own clothes. Harry had never minded though, in fact, he’d always loved to see you walk into the kitchen in his shirt in the mornings or walk out of the house in a pair of his sweatpants paired with something like a white tank top.

At some point, he started putting little notes in the pockets of his hoddies or pants, knowing you’d put the items on the next day and find the sweet notes he hid. It was just small things like I love you orhave a great day, loveorexcited to see you tonight, but they had always melted your heart, making you love him just that more.

Has a hard time accepting
A good compliment

Harry had always showered you with compliments, every chance he got, always making you smile. You’d always made sure to tell Harry what an amazing person he was and how talented he was, how beautiful his music was and how absolutely gorgeous he looked, and every single time a sweet comment like that had left your mouth, Harry had blushed slightly while looking down at his feet. He would start making excuses, saying that it was nothing special every time you were amazed by a new song he’d written, and telling you he didn’t know what you were talking about every time you’d told him how good he looked.

Knowing that he’d never been good at receiving compliments, you’d made sure to attack him with them all the time, and even though he never admitted it, you knew he thought about your words with a lot of consideration, eventually, you hoped, he started believing them.

You just wanted her to keep telling him those sweet things every day because he needed to hear them.

He loves his whole family
And all of his friends

You thought of Harry’s family and how he’d been so proud when he’d introduced you to them for the first time. He always put his family above everyone and though he didn’t see them as much as he wanted to, he made sure that they never questioned how much they meant to him.

You’d admired the relationship he had with his family, especially his mother and sister, you could just tell how much he adored them. You’d never really had a home with that kind of love. You were an only child, so no siblings, and your mother had passed away while you were still young, leading your father into years of alcoholism and depression.

You’d never felt safe and loved until you met Harry, he was your family. That was probably the hardest part for you to let go of, the feeling of safety you’d had whenever you were wrapped in his arms or from simply being in the same room as him.

He was such a giving person, never asking for much. He had a lot of friends and they all adored him, how could they not? He had this ability to make you feel so special and he was such a good listener too, giving you all his attention whenever you told him something, not letting anything distract him.

So if you’re the one he lets in
Take it
If he gives you his heart
Don’t you break it
Let your arms be a place
He feels safe in
He’s the best thing that you’ll ever have
He’ll love you
If you love him

You sang, and god, the words hurt. It felt like your chest was being pried open and your heart ripped out and shredded into pieces. You had to mov eon though, for your own good. You never wanted to forget Harry, he would always have a piece of you, but this grieve that you were feeling had to decrease, you could barely live a life when it hurt so bad.

If Olivia was the one for Harry, then so be it, if she made him happy you couldn’t argue. Obviously you hadn’t made him as happy as he’d made you, but you hadn’t realized that until he’d walked out the door and it was too late. He had let go of you and now it was time for you to do the same, you just wanted, no needed her to treat him right.

On days when
It feels like the whole
World might cave in
Stand side by side
And you’ll make it
He’s the best thing that you’ll ever have
He’ll love you
If you love him like that

You always thought that Harry and you could get through anything, and your relationship had been put to a lot of tests throughout your time together but never had you thought that one of these obstacles would actually get the better of you.

You remembered that day so clearly. The day your whole world fell apart slowly with every step Harry took towards your front door, and it all crashed down on you when he sat down in his car and drove away without even one last glance in your direction. You hadn’t talked to him after that, but still, he remained the single thing on your mind 24/7. It hurt you how quickly he had moved on, but you couldn’t be mad because you felt at blame for your relationship ending in the first place.

Harry had always said that as long as you stood together, then absolutely nothing could come in the way of you two, and the only time you hadn’t been side by side, that’s when you fell apart. You’d always appreciated him so much, sometimes you’d thought it was impossible to care so much for another human as you cared about Harry.

Your hands started shaking a bit and you could feel the tears slowly appearing in the corner of your eyes. You would never stop caring about Harry, he had such an impact on your life, what were you supposed to do without him? God, would this pain ever stop?

As you started the second verse, the tears escaped your eyes and silently ran down your cheeks.

Kiss him with passion
As much as you can

You missed kissing Harry. Just his touch had been such an essential part of your day and now that you didn’t get to feel that, you needed it more than anything. When you thought of it, it was as if you could still feel his lips on yours, kissing you softly.

You’d kissed a number of guys before you met Harry and you’d thought all of them had been fairly good, but that was until you kissed Harry. You’d shared your first kiss one day while you’d been chilling at Harry’s and he just couldn’t stop himself as you’d stood in his kitchen and looked so beautiful. You knew Harry had experience, but you remember being completely taken aback by how comfortable the kiss was. It wasn’t too wet, but not entirely without his tongue roaming your mouth either. He’d grabbed your waist while your arms snaked their way around his neck, and he’d tasted good after the smoothies he’d made for the two of you earlier that day. You hadn’t been able to get enough and he had seemed to have the same problem because you’d barely taken your hands off each other for the rest of the night.

Harry was a very affectionate person and he’d loved holding you, kissing you, just touching you in general. It had made you feel so loved and now where that feeling had belonged in your chest, was just emptiness. You were certain no one could ever make you feel the way Harry had, he could make your entire body feel like it was on fire just by holding your hand.

Run your hands through his hair
Whenever he’s sad

It wasn’t often Harry had been sad in front of you, let alone cried, but it had happened a couple of times, and many times he’d come home and you’d been able to see that something was wrong, but he would deny it. It wasn’t because he’d been embarrassed to be sad in front of you, but he’d often pushed it away because he didn’t want to burden you. You knew him well though and you could tell the second he would walk in the door, that something was wrong. If he didn’t want to talk about it, mostly you’d just put a romcom on the television and pulled him into your arms while you’d cuddled on the sofa, gently running your fingers through his soft curls. You would do anything to brush your fingers through his hair right now…

And when he doesn’t notice
How amazing he is
Tell him over and over

So he never forgets

On the outside, Harry had always made a great effort to appear confident and independent, but when you’d managed to get to know him behind that exterior, you’d discovered that he had a bunch of his own insecurities. He always questioned if his music was good enough, if his performances were good enough, if he was a good idol, if he deserved everything he had, if he was good enough.

Once you’d found out he felt this way a lot of the time, you’d always made sure to tell him how absolutely extraordinary you thought he was. You hoped that she would tell him too, help him build a better image of himself in his head.

You managed to get through the chorus again before your feelings became too overwhelming and you had to stop. Your fingers halted on the piano while your tears had become slightly more uncontrollable.

You couldn’t help but think that you were pathetic for sitting here when Harry had clearly moved on with someone else. You’d realized how much your joy had depended on him, but you had to be able to live a life without him. How could you move on when Harry had completed you though?

It was cliche, but you felt like you were missing a part of you and without Harry, you would never be able to get it back. It was like he’d been too good for you, so he had been taken away from you. You had always known you didn’t deserve him, but you’d tried your very hardest to be worthy of his love, but you weren’t and now someone was making you pay for those years where you’d been granted his affection without actually deserving it.

What were you supposed to do? How the fuck were you supposed to live a life when your source of happiness had been taken away from you?

With tears still in your eyes and your body shaking, you removed yourself from the piano and went back to bed, hoping that maybe tomorrow would be the day he would come knocking at your door, because moving on from him clearly wasn’t an option…


A/n: I’ve got a bunch of requests that’s been sitting in my inbox for so long and I’m sorry I haven’t gotten around to them. A bunch of them are with JJ and I just haven’t been in the mood to write for him lately, I’ve just kinda been diving deeper and deeper into my Harry obsession (when am I not), but I’ll get around to them at some point. Again I’m really sorry, school is just really stressing me out too, so I haven’t been writing much at all, please don’t stop requesting though<3
