#harry styles preferneces


Type: One shot about Harry Styles
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4600+
Paring: Harry + Zoey

She walked out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. She put on a shuffle of music as she was getting ready for tonight. She slipped a pair of panties on and an oversize t-shirt before sitting on the floor. In front of her mirror, she pulled out her hair blower and started to dry her hair. Once it was dried she also curled it, finally getting up and going to her closet. She decided on what to wear and finished getting ready. She left her apartment and went downtown to meet up with her friends.

“Finally,” a girl said.
“Sorry I like to be fashionably late,” she said as she got out of the car. “Where are Rebecca and Dawn?” She asked.
“They are late as well, well not late but you know,” the girl said.
“Calm down Sarah,” she said.
Sorry, I’m just so excited to be here" Sarah said.
“I am too,” she said.
“The party has arrived,” Dawn said as she walked up to the girls.
“Hey girl,” she said as she hugged Dawn.
“First concert in over a year,” Rebecca said as she joined the group.
“I know right,” she said.
“Zoey, do you have the tickets?” Dawn asked.
“RIght on my phone, now let’s go,” Zoey said as she linked arms with Dawn.

They walked up to the gate and checked in. They weren’t late for the concert but they wanted to get there early enough to see Harry do the soundcheck. He was already on stage when they made their way to their seats. Just watching him do soundcheck, trying not to make a sound to disrupt him.

“Why are you guys like two hours early?” Harry asked in the mic.
“To beat the traffic” Dawn replied.
“To see you,” Rebecca said.
“Well come backstage” Harry nodded to security. “Don’t want you guys getting cold,” he said.
“Sure,” Sarah said.

Security came to where they were and led them backstage. They stayed backstage while Harry was still on stage working out how he wanted the show to go. He finally got off stage and said hello to everyone. He then took them back to his dressing room and offered them drinks.

“Thank you,” Sarah said.
“Yea thank you,” Rebecca said.
“I can’t drink,” Zoey nodded.
“And why is that?” Harry asked as he sat next to her.
“Just because,” Zoey said as she looked at him.
“It’s a long story,” Dawn said.
“Ok,” Harry nodded.
“Are you sure we should be back here?” Zoey asked.
“Yes I’m sure” Harry looked at her.
“Hey, Harry” Zayn said as he walked into the room. “Oh hello, ladies” Zayn smiled.
“They were early so I let them come back here,” Harry said.
“Cool,” Zayn said as he sat next to Dawn.
“Let’s play a game,” Rebecca said as she took a sip from her drink.
“What game?” Harry questioned.
“Never have I ever or truth or dare,” Rebecca said.
“Surely never have I ever,” Sarah said.
“I’m game,” Zayn added.
“I’ll get Ms. Zoey some water so she can drink without drinking,” Harry said.
“Why thank you,” Zoey said. Harry went to get her water and returned, sitting next to her.

They all went a few rounds and mainly were starting to get drunk. All besides Harry and Zoey, because they were just drinking water.

“Never have I ever been in love with someone,” Rebecca said.
“Really?” Harry asked as he took a sip.
“You have?” Zoey asked as she looked at Harry.
“Long story,” Harry said.
“Fair enough,” Zoey said as she took a sip.
“Never have I ever been in an accident that killed the person I love,” Sarah said.
“Sarah!” Zoey said.
“Opps,” Sarah said. “I’m drunk,” she said.
“I can’t believe you,” Zoey said as she got up and left the room.
“Sorry Zoey,” Sarah said.
“We should go,” Rebecca said as she grabbed Sarah’s arm.
“Sorry,” Dawn said as they left the room.
“Wait a second” Harry said as he ran after Zoey. “Stay for a second,” he said as he grabbed her arm.
“I’m sorry,” Zoey said.
“Come in here for a second” Harry said as he pulled into a room.
“I should go with them, they can’t drive. I’m sorry we ruined your evening” Zoey said.
“Stop for a second and breathe,” Harry said as he sat her down in a chair. Kneeling in front of her.
“I’m sorry” Zoey took a deep breath in, putting her head down in her hands.
“It’s ok, just breathe,” Harry said.
“I got them a taxi and they are on their way home,” Zayn said as he leaned against the doorframe.
“Thank you” Harry nodded towards him.
“Is she ok?” Zayn asked.
“I’m making sure of it right now,” Harry said.
“You’re on stage in a few seconds,” Harry’s manager said.
“Give me 5,” Harry said.
“I’m fine,” Zoey said as she looked up at Harry.
“Are you sure?” Harry asked as he brushed his hand against hers.
“Yea, you should go,” Zoey nodded.
“Come backstage and watch? I mean you did spend money to be here” Harry said as he stood up.
“Yeah sure, wait where is everyone?” Zoey asked as she stood up.
“Zayn put them in a taxi, they are safe,” Harry said.
“Thank you,” Zoey said,

As soon as Harry walked out of the room everything started to move fast. He has ushered off as well as Zoey, she was placed backstage as Harry was getting ready to go on stage. She stayed backstage and watched the entire show. Harry ran off stage and grabbed Zoey’s hand, leading her away from everyone.

“That was amazing,” She said.
“You liked it?” Harry said as he caught his breath.
“Yes you are always amazing” she smiled.
“Thank you, I sometimes get so much in my head before going out there,” Harry admitted.
“But tonight?” she questioned.
“I was worried about you before heading out to the stage,” he said.
“I’m sorry about my friends,” she said.
“It’s ok, it happens but are you ok?” Harry asked.
“Yea I’m ok” She nodded. “Didn’t like the reminder of what happened” she looked away.
“It’s ok, I’m sorry that your friend said that,” Harry said.
“Thanks for tonight, I should go,” she said.
“Are you hungry?” Harry asked.
“I could always eat,” She smiled.
“Let’s go get something to eat,” he said,
“I don’t do fancy restaurants” she looked at him.
“Choose wherever you want to go,” he said as he went into his dressing room. “And we will go,” he said.
“Alright” she chuckled slightly as she watched him.

He finished changing and walked her out the back exit. Opened the door for her as they got into a USV. She told the driver where she wanted to go and they were off. The city was such a beautiful place at night. While they were driving Zoey stayed pretty quiet, just looking out the window. Harry reached over and placed his hand over hers.

“Are you ok?” He broke the silence.
“Yea sorry” She turned and looked at him.
“Can I ask about the accident?” he asked. “You don’t have to answer if it’s too much,” he said.
“It was late at night and we were heading to dinner,” she said. “We were arguing about something, I can’t even remember” she trailed off as she looked out the window. “I never saw it coming” she swallowed hard. “The rest I can’t remember,” she said.
“I’m sorry” he brushed his thumb against her hand.
“This is my first actual outing since the accident last year,” she said. “I stayed mainly to myself and just sunk into this hole of hopelessness and loneliness” She looked down.
“I’m glad you came out tonight,” he said. “Are you doing better now?” he asked.
“Yea so much better, I started going to therapy a few months ago. It has helped” she nodded.
“I’m sorry life has given you such a shitty hand” he pouted as he looked at her.
“We are here sir,” the driver said.
‘Thank you,“ Harry said as the driver got out and opened the door. Harry slipped out and reached for her, she grabbed his hand as she got out of the car.
"Harry over here,” the paparazzi said as cameras were flashing. “Who is this?” one asked.
“Not tonight guys” Harry wrapped his arm around Zoey to get her inside safely. “I’m sorry about them,” he said.
“Does that ever get annoying?” she questioned.
“Yea like all the time” Harry sighed.
“Well welcome to the diner” she smiled as she looked around.
“Wow, this is cute and rustic,” he said.
“My favorite place” she grabbed his arm and pulled him into a booth.
“Oh,” he chuckled as he sat beside her. “What’s good here?” he asked.
“Anything” she smiled as she glanced over the menu.

She took control when the waiter walked up, ordering for them both. She turned and crossed her legs as she faced him in the booth. He turned to face her as they started talking. They talked and enjoyed their food without anyone else around. Harry’s security team made sure no paparazzi entered and that they couldn’t get any pictures.

“So I know a quick exit if you want to ditch everyone,” she said.
“Really?” He asked as he looked at her. “Should I trust you?” he placed his hand on his chin.
“That’s up to you” she chuckled slightly.
“Well you haven’t killed me yet, so I trust you” he smiled as he stood up.
“Well you never know” she smiled as she stood up.

She grabbed his hand and led him out the back exit. Running towards the wood, they disappeared into the night sky. He kept a grip on her hand as it was pitch blackout. She took out her phone and led him deeper into the woods. Finally, come up to a cabin and a lake. She let go of his hand and walked over to the lake, sitting down allowing her feet to dangle over the edge. He walked over to where she was and sat next to her, allowing his feet to also dangle over the edge.

“How do you know about this place?” he asked.
“Well it’s a family secret really,” she said.
“Oh ok,” he nodded. “Thought for a minute you were leading me to my death” he joked.
“You said you trusted me” she looked at him.
“I do trust you” he looked at her.
“I like to come out here and just look up at the stars. Everything just melts away” she said.
“I bet you can see the stars better out here than in the city,” he said.
“Yea you can” she nodded.

She stood up and reached for his hand. He stood up and grabbed her hand, she led him to a place behind the cabin. She grabbed a blanket and laid it on the ground. Laying down on it on her back as she looked up at the sky. He also laid down and looked up at the sky. It was different for him, he stayed silent and just enjoyed the quietness. She closed her eyes for a second just enjoying the moment. He slowly moved his hand towards her, gently intertwining their fingers together. She turned her head and looked at him. He moved closer to her, placing his hand on her neck. His thumb brushed against her cheek. He leaned in closer to her, his lips close to hers. She could feel his breath against her skin as she leaned in. Kissing him softly as she placed her hand against his chest. Gripping his shirt to make sure he didn’t go anywhere. He smiled against her lips as he kept the kiss between them. He gently pulled away when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He sighed as he noticed so many missed calls and texts.

“Guess you are a wanted man,” she said.
“Only because of who I am” he rolls his eyes. “They just want to make sure I’m safe,” he said.
“You should go,” she said.
“We can go back to my hotel room and just relax,” he said.
“Thank you for tonight,” she said as she sat up.
“I don’t want tonight to end though,” he said as he sat up.
“It’s ok Harry” she looked at him. “I don’t fit into your world,” she said.
“I want you to fit in my world though,” he said as he brushed the hair from her face.
“I enjoyed tonight,” she smiled.
“I’m glad you did” he leaned in and kissed her softly. “But seriously come with me” he pouted.
“Alright” she pushed him gently.

He stood up and offered her his hand, she grabbed his hand and got up. He intertwined their fingers together as she led them out of the woods. Back to the diner where his security was looking for him. They pulled the car around and Harry opened the door for her. She got into the car and he did as well and they were off to the hotel.

“Ok so they are going to drop me off at the front door and then bring you around back,” Harry said.
“Wait what? "she asked.
"The paparazzi are at the front of the hotel,” he said.
“Ok,” she nodded. “I understand,” she said.
“I wish things were different” she leaned over and kissed her softly. “But to protect you this is how it has to be,” he said.
“I get it” she rested her forehead against his.
“Thank you” he whispered.

The car pulled up to the hotel, she moved so no one would see her as he got out of the car. He walked into the hotel as the car pulled off. They pulled up to the back of the hotel and let her off.

“Have fun tonight, surely it won’t last” The driver said as he opened the door.
“Thank you,” she said as she got out of the car.
“Just another girl knocked into his belt,” the driver said.
“Aw sad you don’t get the girls?” she pouted. “Stay in your lane and keep your mouth off of me,” she said as she walked off.

Zoey walked into the hotel and made her way to the front entrance. She didn’t see Harry nor did she know what room he would be in. He snuck up behind her and placed his hands over her eyes gently.

“Guess who” he whispered in her ear.
“The boogeyman,” She smiled.
“No try again” he chuckled.
“Oh, Harry,” she said as she grabbed his hands, turning to face him.
“You got it right,” he smiled. “After you my lady,” he said as he offered her his arm.
“Of course” she linked her arm in his and walked with him.

Harry led her up to his room, opening the door for her. Once she enters he also enters, shutting the door making sure it was locked. She walked around his room in awe, it was a big room.

“All for one person?” She looked at him.
“Well yea but now you are here,” he said as he walked towards her.
“I’m here only for one thing,” She said.
“What?” he was confused.
“That’s all you do right? Bring girls up here for one night” She crossed her arms.
“I have no clue what you are talking about,” He said.
“Like Taylor or any one of your 'Loves’,” she said.
“What? Did someone say something?” he asked.
“It’s who you are,” she said as she sat on the bed.
“I’m not looking for that,” he said as he stood in front of her. “If I was then I would have brought you back here right after the concert,” he said.
“Why didn’t you?” she questioned.
“Because I was concerned about you,” he said. “What happened on the drive to the back?” he questioned.
“Your driver had a few choice words,” she said.
“I’ll handle him but no that’s not true,” he said as he sat beside her.
“I’m sure you get a lot of girls,” she said.
“And the only ones I handpick get to spend time with me” he placed his hand over her hand.
“Am I one of those?” she looked at him.

He placed his hand on her cheek, brushing his thumb against her skin. He leans in, placing his lips onto hers, kissing her softly. She smiles against his lips as she kisses him back. She ran her hand through his hair, gripping the back of his neck. He pulls her onto his lap as the kiss turns passionate. She smiled against his lips before pulling away, resting her forehead against his. He brushed the hair from her face and turned her over so he was over the top of her. Leaning down, kissing her softly, caressing her sides with his hands. Gently tugging at her but she grabs his hand stopping him. She’s not ready for that step yet and he leans down kissing her softly. He lays beside her as they start to talk. They stayed up the rest of the night talking before they both drifted off to sleep. She snuggled close to his chest, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. His chest rising and falling made her feel safe. Later on that morning, Harry woke up and she was gone, it was like she was never there. He got ready for the day and went to talk to his driver to make things right. He asked everyone at the hotel if they saw her leave but no one knew anything. He went back up to his room and saw a note. He sat down on the bed and opened the note.

'Thank you for last night, it was truly amazing. After everything you made me feel safe, you made me feel like life could go one after him. I’m not sure where I would fit into your life. You deserve the world and I’m not sure if I can give you that. I will always cherish the night I met you. The night you made me feel like a human again. Hopefully, see you soon but I won’t hold my breath. Goodbye Harry xo- Zoey’

He held the note in his hand not knowing what to do. He cared for her even though they just had one night. He wanted more, he wanted her to be a part of his life. He just didn’t know how to make that happen, he didn’t even have her number. LA  was a big city but he was determined to find her. He had his team out looking to see if anyone knew Zoey but unfortunately, they didn’t even know her last name.

“Someone has to know something” Harry sighed as he got back into the car.
“It’s like she disappeared,” The driver said.
“Yea I know,” Harry said.
“What about the beach?” Harry asked.
“We can stop there” the driver nodded and started to drive.
“Wait, she’s a student at the University of California,” he said. “She told me last night that she had not been to classes since the accident,” he sighed.
“We will find her” the driver nodded and started driving.

They pulled up to the college and Harry rushed inside. He acted like a student and asked if there were any tutors available. He remembers Zoey saying she loved to tutor. It was a long shot but it was worth a shot.

“There is a student that just returned doing tutors,” the lady said. “I could give her a ring to see if she has an opening,” the lady said.
“Thank you,” Harry nodded.
“Harry?” Zoey said,
“Never mind, I’m sorry for wasting your time,” Harry said to the lady and turned to see Zoey standing there. “There you are,” Harry said.
“How?” she asked.
“I remembered that you told me that you went here, I wanted to see you again,” He said.
“You did?” she smiled as she looked up at him.
“Of course I did,” he said as he pulled her to him, hugging her close to him.
“I wanted to stay but I just didn’t know,” she said as she wrapped her arms around him.
“I want this as much as you do” he kissed the top of her head. “We can figure this out,” he said.
“I’m sure we can” She leaned up and kissed him softly.
“NO WAY HARRY STYLES,” someone said.
“That’s my cue to leave, see you later?” he asked.
“Of course” she smiled as he rushed out the door and back into the car.

Later on that day Zoey made her way to his hotel again. Making sure no one saw her go up to his room. Knocking on the door he quickly opened it and let her in. He snaked his arm around her and kissed her softly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kept the kiss between them.

“Hey” he whispered against her lips.
“Hey” she smiled.
“I’m glad you decided to come back,” he said.
“I had to think about it,” she chuckled slightly. “Of course, I came back,” she said.
“So I was planning on heading down to this private section of the beach, you want to come?” he asked.
“Private beach?” she looked at him. “I could get used to this,” she said.
“So I take that as a yes?” he smirked.
“Yea but I have to get my bathing suit tho,” she said.
“Sure we can stop on the way,” he nodded.

They left the hotel and stopped by her apartment before heading down to the beach. He took her hand in his and led her down to the private beach. He laid a towel down and sat down as did she. She handed him a bottle of sunblock and he rubbed it on her before she rubbed it on him. They spent the rest of the day at the beach, running in and out of the water. Splashing each other, getting swept up in waves. Making sandcastles and eating the food he had for them. She laid between his legs as they watched the sunset.

“Always doing things in the moonlight,” she said as she played with his hand.
“My favorite time of the day” he kissed her cheek.
“Same” she smiled as he pulled her closer.
“I enjoy our time together, I want this to work” he whispered.
“I do too,” she nodded. “We can see how things go,” she said.
“I like the sound of that,” he said.
“Come on, there is something I’ve always wanted to do,” she said as she got up, pulling him up as well.

She grabbed his hand and led him into the ocean. Going all the way into the ocean, allowing the waves to crash over them. She pulled him closer to her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, once the waves crashed over again. She leaned in and kissed him as they both went under the water. Once they broke the surface again he held her close to him.

“Kiss underwater?” he asked.
“Yea” she laughed as she looked at him.
“Well, I’m glad I was your first” he leaned in and kissed her softly.
“Same” she smiled against his lips.

They swam back to the shore and got dressed. Leaving the beach he dropped her off at her apartment and went back to the hotel. Over the next few months, they would sneak out and spend time together. He would always fly back to LA when he had a week off so he could spend time with her. He kept her away from the media and fans, protecting her at all cost. He knew the moment that they knew about her things would be different. The media would tear them apart and Harry couldn’t stand the thought of that. He was back in London for a few dates of his tour. He came off stage and grabbed a bottle of water, trying to cool off. Someone came behind him and placed their hands over his eyes.

“Guess who?” She said,
“No way” he turned and picked her up, spinning her around.
“Well hello to you too” she wrapped her arms around him as he spun her.
“I didn’t know you were coming” he placed her back down on her feet.
“I wanted to surprise you” she looked at him.
“Well I’m surprised” he smiled as he leaned down, kissing her softly.
“I’m on spring break so I wanted to see you,” she said.
“I was coming back this weekend,” he said.
“I know but a few more days with you won’t hurt” she looked at him.
“True,” he smiled.
“Harry you got a meet and greet,” Harry’s manager said.
“I’m going,” Harry said, he kissed Zoey once more before walking away.

Zoey stayed on the sidelines and watched Harry with the fans. Some fans were nice and some fans were more than nice. Harry was always nice back, giving in to the fans and what they requested. One fan asked him for a kiss and of course, he did it. It started to rub Zoey the wrong way as she watched. As the meet and greet went on Zoey decided to leave and go back to the hotel. Once Harry was finished he came backstage to find her gone.

“Not again,” Harry sighed.
“She’s at the hotel waiting for you but I don’t think she’s too happy,” the driver said.
“The fans?” Harry asked.
“Yea” the driver nodded.

They left the venue and went back to the hotel. He went up to his room and Zoey was sitting on the bed. He walked past her and went to get into the shower. He took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. Coming out of the bathroom, leaning against the door frame he looked at Zoey.

“Go ahead and yell,” He said.
“What?” she replied.
“I know you are mad about the fans,” He said.
“I’m not mad,” she said.
“You’re not?” he asked.
“No, I’m not,” she said as she took a deep breath in. That’s when he realized she wasn’t mad but upset.
“Babe,” He said as he slipped on a pair of boxers. He moved in front of her, kneeling. Placing his hand on her leg.
“I’m not mad,” she said.
“I don’t want you upset either,” he said, tracing circles on her leg. “It’s just something my fans and I do,” he said.
“It’s ok,” she said.
“No it’s not, because clearly, you are upset,” he said.
“You would be too if you saw me with someone else,” she said as her tears slipped from her eyes onto her cheeks.
“Yea I would but I don’t want anyone else baby,” he said as he sat beside her.
“Why not, you get it thrown at you all the time,” she said.
“Wait is this about us waiting to have sex?” He wrapped his arm around her.
“I’m scared you won’t wait” she looked down.
“We agreed to wait until WE both are ready” he rubbed her shoulder. “I don’t want anyone else,” he said.
“You don’t?” she asked.
“Of course not” he tilted her chin up so she was looking at him. “I want you and only you,” he said.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
“Don’t be sorry baby girl” he wiped her tears away. He leaned in and kissed her softly. “I love you” he whispered against her lips.
“I love you” she looked at him.

He finished getting dressed and they went out to dinner. He showed her around London, doing all the tourist things with her. They went to the London eye. Before heading back to the hotel. The relationship was new to them both but they knew they wanted things to work. It would just take a lot of work but he was willing to chase her and be with her, where that may be.
