#harry x sirius



Omggg@sitp-recs Liv of all Livness, first of her name, Queen of reccing, the doyenne of fic-reccery. Its your two-year tumblr-versary!!!!

What can I say about this kind, enthusiastic member of fandom, who raises people up and brings such joy to creators and readers alike? Only that you’re a lovely person, and awesome in every way. One who writes recs that make grown adults weep in gratitude over a single carefully crafted sentence about their work. And who’s introduced me personally to so many fics I might have missed and converted me to kinks and pairings I might have never sampled. A Drarry fan but also a staunch supporter of rarer pairs, which is why I’ve strayed from my usual wheelhouse to write a little Harry x Sirius for you, Miss Sit-pee.

I hope you like, Liv!

Mischief Managed

(Explicit, 1.7k words, Harry x Sirius, tags: Cross-gen, age gap, wall sex)


Nothing has been said, nothing solemnly sworn, but they both know what’s going to happen. They’ve known from the minute Sirius suggested this weekend away by the beach.

Thanks as always to my wee pal and fellow scone-scoffer @tackytigerfic for the beta.

Read on AO3
